
Pewter medallion from the Paris Mint.
Minted in 1945.
Usual wear and shocks.
Justified copy numbered on the edge 57/150 :

Engraver / Artist : Raymond TSCHUDIN (1916-1998).

Dimension : 69mm.
Weight : 125 g.
Metal : tin.

Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)  : cornucopia + tin + No. 57/150.

Quick and neat delivery.

The easel is not for sale.
The stand is not for sale.

List of Rome prices in engraving

This page lists the winners of the Prix de Rome in engraving.

The intaglio engraving prize was created in 1804: in principle, the intaglio engraving competition takes place every two years and, for the medal and fine stone engraving prize opened the following year (but which depended under the Ancien Régime on the sculpture prize), every four years. They were abolished in 1968 by decision of André Malraux, Minister of Culture.

However, we find mention of a prize in 1668 for First Conquest of Franche-Comté by Leclère, engraver on a drawing, "third prize, [who] will draw for free for a year and [will be] sent to Rome because Jean Jouvenet had executed one of his drawings in a painting »1.

    1 19th century
    2 20th century
    3 Notes and references
    4 Appendices
        4.1 Bibliography
        4.2 External links

XIXth century

    1804 - Intaglio engraving, An academy from nature, Claude-Louis Masquelier first prize2,3 and Jean-Jacques Avril second prize
    1805 - Medal engraving, The genius of engraving presents a stamp to the Emperor, who gives him a crown, Nicolas-Pierre Tiolier first prize
    1806 - Intaglio engraving, Académie engrave, Théodore Richomme first prize3 and Jean-Louis Potrelle second prize
    1809 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Mars followed by Victory, Jacques-Édouard Gatteaux first grand prize for engraving in medals4,3, Étienne-Jacques Dubois and Julien-Marie Jouannin second prizes. Intaglio engraving, engraved Academy, Claude-Marie-François Dien first prize and François Forster second prize
    1810 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Ulysses recognized by his dog, Durand first prize and Joseph François Domard second prize. Intaglio engraving, engraved Academy, Armand Corot second prize.
    1811 - Intaglio engraving, engraved Academy, Armand Corot first prize and Jean-Louis-Toussaint Caron second prize
    1812 - Intaglio engraving, Académie engrave, Benjamin-Eugène Bourgeois first prize and Henri-Charles Moller second prize. Medal engraving, The French Hercules, Auguste-François Michaut second prize
    1813 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Theseus raises the stone under which his father had hidden his weapons, Henri-François Brandt first prize, Augustin Caunois and Joseph-Silvestre Brun second prizes, Antoine Desboeufs and Jean-Joseph Capucci third prizes
    1814 - Intaglio engraving, Engraved Academy, François Forster first grand prize4,3, Louis Léopold Robert second grand prize for intaglio engraving. Engraving in medal and fine stone, Warrior seizing his weapons on the altar of the peerage, Antoine Desboeufs first prize and Jacques-François Walcher second prize
    1815 - Medal engraving, Death of Ajax, Georges Jacquot third prize
    1816 - Intaglio engraving, engraved Academy, Joseph Coiny first prize and Alexandre-Vincent Sixdeniers second prize
    1817 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Androcles and the lion, Joseph-Silvestre Brun first prize
    1818 - Intaglio engraving, Académie engrave, André-Benoit Taurel first prize4,3, Constant-Louis-Antoine Lorichon second prize and Louis-Pierre Henriquel-Dupont third prize1
    1819 - Medal engraving, Milo of Crotone attacked by a lion, Ursin-Jules Vatinelle first prize, Jacques-Augustin Dieudonné second prize and Antoine-Louis Barye third prize
    1820 - Intaglio engraving, Académie engrave, Constantin-Louis-Antoine Lorichon first grand prize4, Antoine François Gelée and Jean-Louis Delaistre second prizes
    1823 - Medal engraving, Paris throwing the arrow which wounds Achilles in the heel, Joseph-Arsène-Théodore-Lefèvre Dubourg and Louis Brenet second prizes
    1824 - Intaglio engraving, Academy engraved from nature, Antoine François Gelée first prize4.3
    1826 - Intaglio engraving, Academy engraved from nature, Pierre François Eugène Giraud first prize3 and Achille-Louis Martinet second grand prize for intaglio engraving
    1827 - No medal and fine stone engraving competition, due to lack of competitors1
    1828 - Intaglio engraving, Académie after nature, Joseph-Victor Vibert first prize, Jean-Claude Clavey second prize and Amédée Félix Barthélemy Geille third prize
    1830 - Intaglio engraving, Academy from nature, Achille-Louis Martinet first grand prize for intaglio engraving4 and Louis Adolphe Salmon second prize
    1831 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Oedipus explaining the enigma of the sphinx, Eugène-André Oudiné grand prize for engraving in medals4,3 and Jacques-Auguste Fauginet second prize
    1832 - Intaglio engraving, Académie engraved from nature, Amédée Félix Barthélemy Geille second prize
    1834 - Intaglio engraving, Académie engraved from nature, François Augustin Bridoux first grand prize3, tied with Louis Adolphe Salmon4
    1835 - Engraving in medal and stone fi Salmon4
    1835 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Romulus carrying the opime remains, Jean-Baptiste Eugène Farochon first grand prize for engraving in medals4,3
    1836 - Intaglio engraving, Académie after nature, no first prize, Louis-Auguste Darodes second prize5
    1838 - Intaglio engraving, Académie after nature, Charles-Victor Normand and Victor Florence Pollet4, 3 first grand prize ex-aequo, Auguste-Thomas-Marie Blanchard and Charles-Joseph Rousseau second prize, Joseph-Victor Viber first grand prize price4?
    1839 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Hercules smothering Antée, André Vauthier first grand prize for engraving in medals4,3 and Jean-François-Charles-André Flacheron second prize
    1840 - Intaglio engraving, Académie engrave, Jean-Marie Saint-Ève first grand prize4.3
    1842 - Intaglio engraving, Academy from nature, Louis-Désiré-Joseph Delemer first prize and Ange-Arthur-Sylvain Collier second prize
    1843 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Arion saved from the waves, Louis Merley first grand prize, only competitor
    1844 - Intaglio engraving, Academy engraved from nature, Jean-Ernest Aubert first grand prize4,3 and Joseph-Gabriel Tourny second prize
    1846 - Intaglio engraving, Academy engraved from nature, Joseph-Gabriel Tourny first prize4.3 and Auguste Lehmann second prize
    1847 - Prize for engraving in medal and fine stone, postponed to 1848 by decision of the Academy1
    1848 - Intaglio engraving, Academy from nature, Jacques-Martial Devaux first prize4,3. Engraving in medal and fine stone, Mercury forming the caduceus, Louis-Félix Chabaud first grand prize for engraving in medals4,3 and Guillaume Bonnet second prize
    1850 - Intaglio engraving, Academy from nature, Gustave-Nicolas Bertinot first prize and Jean-Baptiste Danguin second prize
    1851 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Neptune gives birth to the horse, no first prize, Henri-Michel-Antoine Chapu second prize
    1852 - Intaglio engraving, Academy engraved from nature, Charles Bellay first prize and Claude-Ferdinand Gaillard second prize
    1854 - Intaglio engraving, Academy from nature, Joseph-Paul-Marius Soumy first prize4.3 and Joseph-Alfred Annedouche third prize
    1855 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Warrior dying on the altar of the fatherland, Alphée Dubois first grand prize3, François Joseph Hubert Ponscarme second grand prize and François-Antoine Zoegger third prize
    1856 - Intaglio engraving, Academy from nature, Claude-Ferdinand Gaillard first prize, Henri-Joseph Dubouchet second prize and Charles-Eugène Thibault honorable mention
    1860 - Jean Lagrange first grand prize for engraving in medals and Jules-Clément Chaplain second prize for engraving in medals
    1861 - Jules-Clément Chaplain first grand prize for engraving in medals3
    1866 - Charles-Jean-Marie Degeorge first grand prize for engraving in medals, Auguste Laguillermie, grand prize for engraving in intaglio
    1868 - Daniel Dupuis second prize for engraving in medals, Charles Albert Waltner grand prize for engraving in intaglio (nominated for four years)3
    1869 - Medals and fine stones: Émile Soldi known as Arthur Sodyck first grand prize engraver in medal (La Fortune et l'Enfant), Daniel Dupuis first runner-up and Oscar Roty mention6
    1870 - Intaglio engraving, Achille Jacquet grand prix7
    1872 - Intaglio engraving, Louis Boutelié grand prix; Daniel Dupuis first grand prize for engraving in medals3 and Oscar Roty second grand prize
    1875 - Oscar Roty grand prize3
    1878 - Medals and fine stones: Cain cursed hearing the voice of the Lord who reproaches him for the murder of his brother Louis-Alexandre Bottée first grand prize3 and Henri Alfred Auguste Dubois second grand prize. Intaglio: Charles Théodore Deblois first grand prize3, Edmond-Achille Rabouille second grand prize and Henri-Félix Vion honorable mention8
    1880 - Jean-Émile Buland first grand prize and Emmanuel Hannaux first second grand prize
    1881 - Henri-Auguste-Jules Patey first grand prize for engraving in medals and Frédéric de Vernon second grand prize
    1883 - William Barbotin first grand prize3
    1884 - Abel Mignon first second grand prix9
    1886 - Intaglio engraving, Jean Patricot, first grand prize, Eugène Marie Louis Chiquet mention
    1887 - Frédéric de Vernon grand prix3
    1888 - Intaglio engraving, Henri Le Riche first prize, Eugène Marie Louis Chiquet first second grand prize10,11, second second grand prize Jules Alphonse Deturck12, known as Julien Deturck
    1890 - Charles Pillet grand prix
    1892 - Intaglio engraving: Antoine Dezarrois grand prix. Engraving: Hippolyte Lefebvre grand prize, Arthur Mayeur second second grand prize
    1893 - Marie-Alexandre-Louis Coudray grand prize for engraving in medals3
    1894 - Arthur Mayeur first second prize in intaglio engraving 1896 - Arthur Mayeur first grand prize in intaglio, Georges Dupré first grand prize in medal engraving3, Lucien Pénat first second grand prize and Georges-Albert Bessé second second grand prize
    1898 - Jean Coraboeuf first prize for engraving3; Edmond-Jules Pennequin, second grand prize13.
    1899 - René Grégoire grand prix3
    1900 - Jean Antonin Delzers grand prix14

Twentieth century

    1902 - Lucien Pénat Study from life of a standing man, left hand on hip and right hand slightly raised, 1st Grand Prize in engraving. - Pierre-Victor Dautel 1st Grand Prize for engraving in medals and fine stones3.
    1903 - Eugène Piron
    1904 - Louis Busière 1st Grand Prix3.
    1905 - Julien-Louis Mérot 1st Grand Prize for engraving in medals and fine stones. - Georges Armand Vérez 2nd Grand Prix - Paul-Marcel Dammann - 2nd Grand Prix15.
    1906 - Henry Cheffer, Raoul Serres.
    1908 - Medals and fine stones: Henry Dropsy 2nd Grand Prize for engraving in medals and fine stones16. - Jules Piel 2nd Grand Prize for intaglio engraving.
    1910 - Jules Piel 1st Grand Prize for intaglio engraving3.
    1912 - André Maillart 1st Grand Prize for intaglio engraving17.
    1912 - Omer Bouchery 1st Second Grand Prix
    1911 - Lucienne Heuvelmans Grand Prix for sculpture. She is the first woman to win the Grand Prix de Rome.
    1914 - André Lavrillier Gr
The intaglio engraving prize was created in 1804: in principle, the intaglio engraving competition takes place every two years and, for the medal and fine stone engraving prize opened the following year (but which depended under the Ancien Régime on the sculpture prize), every four years. They were abolished in 1968 by decision of André Malraux, Minister of Culture.     1809 - Engraving in medal and fine stone, Mars followed by Victory, Jacques-Édouard Gatteaux first grand prize for engraving in medals4,3, Étienne-Jacques Dubois and Julien-Marie Jouannin second prizes. Intaglio engraving, engraved Academy, Claude-Marie-François Dien first prize and François Forster second prize     1878 - Medals and fine stones: Cain cursed hearing the voice of the Lord who reproaches him for the murder of