B.P.R.D Plague of Frogs Vol 4 CUSTOM HARDCOVER HC 

by Mike Mignola, John Arcudi, Guy Davis

In 2001, Hellboy quit the B.P.R.D., leaving Abe Sapien, Liz Sherman and a bizarre roster of special agents to defend the world from occult threats and the growing menace of the frog army. Plague Of Frogs, which ran concurrently with other volumes in the B.P.R.D. series, explores the fate of the unit after Hellboy's departure, cracks open the secrets of Abe Sapien's origin and sets the war on frogs in motion.

A story that began in the first issue of Hellboy concludes with the B.P.R.D. team set to permanently wipe out the subterranean colony of frog monsters. The team tracks down Memnan Saa's hideout, but soon find themselves in over their heads when old enemies like the Black Flame arrive to lay waste to the world!

Custom hardcover bound using the TPB, made to match and be the same size as the other hardcovers in the series, with the bonus of a bookmark ribbon.

  • 1595829741
  • 978-1595829740
  • 1616556412
  • 978-1616556419