The Redhead and the Roan - Selma Hudnut - HCDJ - Classic Girl & Her Horse Story - Nice!

Van Nostrand Pub, 1966.

Book is nice! Clean and tight!

DJ is also very nice!

Somewhere in the world there is a perfect horse for Brooke Hubbard, and it turns out to be Firebird, a magnificent but highly temperamental thoroughbred gelding, whose coat just matches Brooke's own reddish-chestnut hair. Nobody understands Fire-bird except, of course, Brooke. His wealthy owner knows nothing about handling horses and is only interested in selecting the ones that will win competition. His trainer is determined to force him to jump and chooses violence as the best means to that end. In contrast, the girl offers love, respect, and all the other emotions horses appreciate, and Firebird responds with his trust. Next thing, she secretly rides him and discovers Firebird is really a highly skilled jumper. When Firebird goes to show he immediately incapacitates the trainer, and he and Brooke manage to jump away with the first prize. At last the owner realizes the two are a match and gives the valuable horse to Brooke. It is a galloping adolescent wish that runs away with itself.