Nigel Hinton hated school and left to try several jobs before returning to education and training to be a teacher. He taught for nine years before, encouraged by the publication of his first book, COLLISION COURSE, he began to write full-time. The hugely successful BUDDY followed and then BUDDY'S SONG which was made into a film for which he wrote the screenplay and nine songs. THE FINDERS won the 1994 Children's Book Award for middle fiction. Nigel Hinton lives in Sussex.

Nigel Hinton hated school and left to try several jobs before returning to education and training to be a teacher. He taught for nine years before, encouraged by the publication of his first book, COLLISION COURSE, he began to write full-time. The hugely successful BUDDY followed and then BUDDY'S SONG which was made into a film for which he wrote the screenplay and nine songs. THE FINDERS won the 1994 Children's Book Award for middle fiction. Nigel Hinton lives in Sussex.