Meet Chrissy!

Vessel 14"

Vintage doll.

Rubbery head and hard plastic body.

Chrissy chose this vessel because it was the first one available and she wanted to get her message out as soon as possible.It has some light stains to the clothing and minor imperfections so please see photos.

Chrissy is a protection helper spirit!

She will protect your family and friends.

You are like a mutant? Being able to express this ability,this natural ability that you have to absorb more the liquid parts of reality to anchor that in is a gift. Of course its a curse as well. But its a gift that allows you to be immune to the programming. And this is very useful because there is a point happening there. There is some type of resolution. A point of return. The so to speak return of Christ through the Golden Age,the end times. All of these concepts are basically the same thing. They're pointing towards this restarting process. Create the conditions right before the golden age.

What was this concept of Noah where the Lord  destroyed the earth. Yet Noah was instructed to build an Ark. And there were one of a kind of every being, every creature to continue on the new Earth. The big intercourse to create another generation or a new era of people, A golden era. This keeps happening to our reality because we are being created, evolving as we speak. And we're going to a less and less dense reality as we evolve. And these so called mutants,black sheep. These people are like an enhanced cell in this brain we are living in. Right? They're here to sort of jump start or become like a timeline jump for a less dense reality. A birthplace. So being a mutant or having an immunity to this programming.

This is an internal shift taking place within us.  Because we are the ones projecting this reality. So this brings me to the point of these people. You perhaps reading this. If this message has arrived on your timeline it is a humongous sign for you. You being immune. Meaning when everything shuts down and people start malfunctioning. These NPCs that we've spoken about non player characters.

You are the Ark. You are the ship. Your body, your mind is the ship to create the golden age, the shift so to speak. We can all say that these higher UPS, these evil ones are controlling the reality. But it brings to question. What first? What was the thing that happened first? The egg or the chicken? So are we the ones projecting this reality? Or are they projecting onto us a reality they want us to create?

What we are realizing here now is that we are passing through creation. We are understanding duality. The dark and the light. To the point where we're reaching a season or a brink of change. Where we don't need those lessons anymore. And so we unite. We return to Christ consciousness. This happens naturally. And you could be the Ark. The spark that creates the new golden age. This is what heaven on Earth is. And this is why your purpose is to just be. To walk outside and interact with people. You don't even need to do anything because you don't need to be with people. This is the thing. A lot of you actually prefer to be alone. Because you can fluidly entertain or express yourself without the confines of the social cues, the social norms. Whatever the case may be. You have a world outside of that. And I need you to understand. I need you to get it through your head. Not everybody does. This is what we call NPCs. Non player characters. Some people that don't even have an internal monologue within their mind. So you being considered an odd one. A label that they're trying to put on you. Almost like the conspircy theorists of our society. But we are living breathing enhanced cells that are here to evolve humanity, to be the help. I hope this concept is making sense because there is a rise happening. A great unmasking as i like to call it. It is less so an awakening and more so an unmasking.

Doll stand not included.

About me!

I have been selling on eBay since 2008

But with confidence.Sometimes your competitors in life will try to bring you down.I have nothing bad to say about other sellers.I am an individual of love and compassion.I don't hold any grudges and i forgive everyone who has done anything against me.

Although I love every one of my spirit friends i need to make room for some of my newer acquisitions. I’ll hope they are going to a good new home with someone who will treat them with the respect they deserve.

Sometimes a spirit needs time to adjust to their new environment before they show activity.Meditation can open up your third eye and make way for more spiritual communication more often and easier.

If you feel a deep connection with her, it's likely a sign that she is meant to be a part of your spiritual journey. Trust in the intuitive pull you feel towards her listing and recognize the signs she may be showing you. If you find yourself repeatedly drawn to her page, captivated by her presence and longing to learn more about her, it's a clear indication that she is calling out to you. Pay attention to any subtle nudges or feelings of connection you experience while reading about her, as these are often messages from the spiritual realm guiding you towards your destined path. Embrace the opportunity to welcome her into your life as a cherished spiritual companion, knowing that your bond with her will be a source of love, growth, and spiritual fulfillment.

eBay requires I state this is for entertainment purposes only and you are purchasing a tangible doll.....

Love and Light....