Hycosan Plus Eye Drops 7.5ml is a sterile, preservative-free eye drop solution designed to provide relief from dry eyes and provide long-lasting hydration and lubrication to the eyes. It contains a unique combination of sodium hyaluronate (0.15%) and Ectoin which work together to provide relief from symptoms of dry eyes such as burning, stinging, redness, and discomfort.

Some of the key features of Hycosan Plus Eye Drops include:

1. Preservative-free formula: Hycosan Plus Eye Drops do not contain any preservatives, making them suitable for sensitive eyes and reducing the risk of irritation or allergic reactions.

2. Long-lasting relief: The sodium hyaluronate in Hycosan Plus Eye Drops forms a protective barrier on the surface of the eye, providing long-lasting hydration and lubrication to help soothe dry eyes and improve comfort.

3. Easy-to-use bottle: The 7.5ml bottle is convenient and easy to use, with a unique delivery system that dispenses one drop at a time, making it easy to apply the correct dosage without wastage.

4. Compatible with contact lenses: Hycosan Plus Eye Drops are suitable for use with contact lenses, providing relief for contact lens wearers who may experience dryness or discomfort while wearing their lenses.

5. Suitable for sensitive eyes: Hycosan Plus Eye Drops are gentle on sensitive eyes and can be used by people with allergies or other eye conditions without causing irritation.

Overall, Hycosan Plus Eye Drops provide effective relief for dry eyes and help to improve eye comfort and hydration with their unique preservative-free formula and long-lasting lubricating properties.