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Master Yoshiaki Sato (1906-1991), Yajiro School, 1970s. Miyagi Prefecture, Japan.

Dento (“traditional”) kokeshi figurine. Signed. Collectible. 

Very well preserved - in excellent vintage condition.  


Yajiro School of Kokeshi Art

The creators of Yajiro kokeshi hail from the village of Yajiro-machi, a small farming village between two tall mountains near Kamasaki Onsen in Miyagi Prefecture.

Yajiro dolls are some of the most brightly painted dento kokeshi, with a veritable rainbow of colors used, from the traditional red and black to green, yellow, and even blue and purple. The upper body usually has a hand-painted collar with horizontal stripes encircling the body and vertical stripes running below the waist to the base of the doll. However, Yajiro dolls can also be found with a series of chrysanthemum petals running down the front of the body, or a branch of plum blossoms as the only decoration. Some, also have a painted beret-like feature or a bun on their heads, similarly painted with a red center spot. Yajiro kokeshi come in a widest range of shapes and the majority have distinct waists and wider bases, making them very stable. 

Yajiro kokeshi have been made from cherry wood, camellia, and maple, but the preferred wood is white dogwood (mazuki).


Dento Kokeshi

Dento ("traditinoal") kokeshi have been produced mostly in the Tohoku district in northeastern Honshu, Japan. Traditional kokeshi is characterized by its distinct style that remains little changed. Old kokeshi are praised for their authentic character and are often collectible items.

