Its extraordinary that I've found these in my collection - from one of the most famous restaurants in NYC.
When I was working on the Cunard line in 1967 doing the NYC/Bermuda run, we had every Friday off in New York.
We would always go to Lindy's for something to eat during the day - great memories !
Both made by Meriden S.P. Co. XII.
One weighs 67g and the other is 68g - both are 20.3cm in length.

The first chain, founded by Leo "Lindy" Lindemann, operated from 1921 to 1969.
Lindy’s had locations at 1626 Broadway (at NE corner of 49th Street) and 1655 Broadway (at NW corner of 51st Street).
Harpo Marx
 frequently ate at Lindy's in the 1920s, writing "I had a home again, and during the day a choice of two homes-away-from-home,
Lindy's or Reuben's. I was back with my own people, who spoke my language, with my accent - cardplayers, horseplayers, bookies,
song-pluggers, agents, actors out of work and actors playing the Palace.
The cheesecake was ambrosia. The talk was old - familiar music - a lot of yucks - a lot of action - Home Sweet Home.

Jewish Mafia icon Arnold Rothstein claimed Lindy's as his favorite "office" and would stand on the corner, surrounded by bodyguards,
and conduct business outside.
On the day that Rothstein was killed in 1928, his last place before the murder was Lindy's and he received a phone call at Lindy´s.
Milton Berle frequented Lindy's almost on a nightly basis.
Groucho Marx was eating there with Dick Cavett and Woody Allen in the 1960s when they informed Woody that his work was appreciated
by college students of the time.

In 1979, the Riese Organization determined that the Lindy's trademark had been abandoned, and opened new restaurants,
the last of which closed in February 2018.