Selsun Gold Treatment Shampoo is medically proven to treat and control dandruff. Dandruff is the excessive flaking of dead skin that forms on the scalp, and can be accompanied by itchiness, redness and irritation. It is a common, chronic scalp condition and can have several causes. Selsun Gold Treatment Shampoo is specially formulated with Selenium Sulfide 2.5%, proven to not only remove dandruff, but also slow down the rate our skin produces new cells, which is the basic cause of irritations caused by dandruff. Laboratory tests have shown Selenium Sulfide to be effective at controlling recurrence of dandruff and other scalp conditions including seborrheic dermatitis. The shampoo can also assist in treating tinea versicolour and as an adjunct in the treatment of tinea capitis. The treatment shampoo acts as a peeling agent that softens and sheds the outermost layer of skin to help reduce flaking. Source: Sanfilippo, A. and English, J. ?An Overview of Medicated Shampoos Used in Dandruff Treatment." (2006).