Finally cleaning out my flight gear bag I've been dragging around since 1989.  This is my original CSU-15/P Anti-G Suit I wore from flight school, through flying A-6Es off the USS Nimitz, and finally as a spin instructor in VF-43 at NAS Oceana. (I was called HiHo way back then thus the stencil on the back). I have never puked on it even once!  The harness has seen lots of use, and has spent even more time in a bag being dragged all over the country so there's some light corrosion on the metal parts.  It's up to you if you want to use it during your next flight.

But wait!  There's MORE!  Included are a pile of DOD Departure cards, ATC procedures, engagement instruction card, laminated freq and T-2C checklist cards (from my time in VF-43), and even a puke bag.  FREE!  Such a good deal.

Note: nothing here is classified since none of these aircraft exist anymore and even VF-43 is long gone.