
Bronze medal from the Paris Mint (cornucopia hallmark from 1880).
Minted in 1969.
Some usual wear.

Severeur :L Croizier.

Dimension : 80mm.

: 264 g.
Metal : Bronze.

Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)
  : cornucopia + bronze + 1969.

Quick and neat delivery .

The support is not for sale.
The stand is not for sale.


The area around the ecliptic and the celestial equator is divided into 28 sectors of unequal amplitudexiù (宿, xiù), cont
   56_Med23 Bronze medal from the Paris Mint (cornucopia hallmark from 1880). Minted in 1969. Some usual wear. Severeur :L Croizier. Dimension : 80mm. Weight : 264 g. Metal : Bronze. Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)  : cornucopia + bronze + 1969. Quick and neat delivery . The support is not for sale. The stand is not for sale.   The area around the ecliptic and the celestial equator is divided into 28 sectors of unequal amplitudexiù (宿, xiù), cont