(No eBay restocking fees)

(This listing has a low starting price only to attract more buyers.  We are hoping to get at least $3,500 for this item.)

Retail price: $4,995

 True medical grade instruments that are approved for clinical settings are expensive. 

Bidding strategy:

- Most people do not bid until the end of the auction so price may change quickly in the last few minutes.  

- Enter your best offer if you do not want to lose by just a few dollars in the last second.

Taktone GXR-1050 Instruments:

We are selling off a brand new set of Taktone GXR-1050 instruments.  Search online under "GXR-1050" for more information. 

This item is $4,995 retail.  It was a store display and the tools have not been used. These instruments come with a lifetime warranty and is transferable to the new owner.

Price reflects safety and quality:

The only true indicator of safety and quality is retail price.  Don't buy something because it's cheaper.  The more a company spends on making a product, the higher the quality it will have, the safer it will be, and the more expensive it has to be sold for.  Spend a little bit more to protect yourself and your patients.

Full money back guarantee:

We offer a full money back guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied.  We will also pay for return shipping.

Details from the manufacturer:

Each Taktone IASTM Instruments is designed with leading edges that curve around a patient’s joints, muscle, and ligaments. Each piece was also created ergonomically to fit in the hands of healthcare practitioners and to provide increase leverage so the proper amount of force can be provided with minimal effort. These features reduce muscle strain and prevents long term injury to the practitioner from daily use.


The Taktone Instrument Kit consists of 7 uniquely shaped stainless steel pieces. Each tool kit comes complete with a protective carrying case. These stainless steel instruments can be easily sterilized to prevent contamination from patient to patient. A high risk of contamination exists when such tools are made from organic materials.

What can Taktone do for your patients?

  • Rehabilitate old injuries

  • Decrease healing time

  • Prevent chronic injuries

  • Effectively treat most musculoskeletal conditions

How does Taktone work?


The body has a natural ability to heal or defend itself. For these mechanisms to work, the body has to first recognize certain stimulations or stresses. These stimulations can be artificially placed onto the body so it can heal or defend itself. For example, modern medicine takes advantage of the body’s natural ability for defense through the use of vaccinations. The immune response is the body’s natural mechanism of defense. Vaccines are weakened forms of viruses or antigens that are injected into the body to initiate the immune response. The body then detects this antigen and creates antibodies. The body is now protected from future infections of this virus.


The body’s natural mechanism for tissue repair can be manipulated in much the same way as the immune response. In tissue repair, the body first detects that a stress or injury has occurred and then initiates an inflammatory response. The body then creates scar tissue and lays down new collagen to finish the repair process. In many musculoskeletal diseases, tissue is repaired improperly because this natural mechanism failed in one or more steps. For this tissue to re-heal, it has to be injured again so that a new inflammatory process can begin. Reinjuring an area comes with an increase risk for chronic pain and disability. With the new Taktone IASTM Intruments, an inflammatory response can now be artificially created without having to reinjure the area. Tissue repair will then follow naturally as before.


In the health profession, we must emphasize that factors such as age, nutrition, and mobility play important roles in the healing process. Applying the Taktone tools and techniques and considering these factors will drastically improve patient outcomes.