Immerse yourself in the world of science fiction with "Inverted World" by Christopher Priest. This novel, part of the SF Masterworks series, will take you on a journey through a unique universe that will leave you questioning what is real and what is just a figment of your imagination. With 303 pages, this paperback book is the perfect addition to any sci-fi lover's collection.

The book, published by Gollancz in 2010, is in English and measures 5 inches in length, 8 inches in height, and 1 inch in width. It weighs 10 ounces and is in paperback format. The intended audience is adults, and the narrative type is fiction. The book is not vintage and was published in the 2010s. It features no illustrations and is not ex libris. Get ready to explore the world of "Inverted World" and discover the secrets of this fascinating universe.