5 Mukhi Rudraksha Bracelet with German Silver Pendant - A Symbol of Serenity
mother's day gift , gift for her

Discover the elegance of spirituality with ' 5 Mukhi Rudraksha Bracelet. This beautifully crafted bracelet, adorned with a silver pendant, serves as a unique accessory for those who appreciate spiritual symbolism.

Key Features:

·         Symbolic Design: Inspired by the essence of Lord Kaalagni Rudra, this bracelet is a reflection of spiritual symbolism.

·         Astrological Inspiration: Drawing from astrological beliefs, it's aligned with Jupiter, a planet often associated with positive energy.

·         Elegant Craftsmanship: Meticulously crafted, this adjustable bracelet with a silver pendant is designed to complement various styles.

Potential Benefits:

·         Spiritual Connection: May serve as a tool for those interested in meditation and spiritual practices.

·         Emotional Consideration: Could be helpful in managing emotions, as part of a broader approach to emotional well-being.

·         Wellness-Focused Design: Designed with wellness in mind, it might support general health practices.

·         Mental Awareness: Can be used as an accessory in practices aimed at mental clarity and overcoming everyday anxieties.

·         Versatility: Suitable for various spiritual practices, including Dhyana Yoga Sadhana and Mantra Yoga Sadhana.

Usage and Care:

·         Wearing Instructions: Crafted for daily wear, this bracelet can also be worn during spiritual activities.

·         Maintenance Tips: Easy to care for, ensuring the bracelet maintains its durability and shine.

·         Integration in Spiritual Practices: Can be incorporated into personal meditation and mantra practices.


·         This product is a spiritual accessory and is intended for use as part of personal spiritual or cultural practices.

·         The descriptions provided are based on traditional beliefs and practices.

·         The effectiveness of this product may vary from person to person, and no specific outcomes are guaranteed.

·         Product specifications and appearance may vary slightly.