Disclaimer: Hasbro own all digital cards sold on this profile, which I are not affiliated with. By purchasing this listing you are simply paying for the time spent in game farming digital items for you, acquiring rare cards, and lastly, for the time required to deliver the items you!

Send me your friend link and i'll send the card as quickly as I can :)

If you have trouble sending the link send this part and it should send :) (mply.io/?????) 


(Online and Available now) Approx 10 mins
(Slow sends) Approx 30 mins, send me a few messages to get my phone buzzing! ;) 
(May send tomorrow) There's a chance I might be out of sends on the account, i'll try and ill you know asap! 
(At work) Could be a couple of hours depending on how busy work is and how many cards you've ordered! :)