East Meets West At 2007 Art Deco Weekend 30th Annual Poster. Rare and Very hard to Find Philip Brooker Art Deco Poster

This one has been sold out since. This is a very rare New in package, Philip Brooker poster created for the 2007 Miami Beach Art Deco event.  Approx. 33" x 23" unframed & untouched.

Poster created specifically for the 30th annual Art Deco Weekend on Miami Beach, reflects the theme: East Meets West: Art Deco from Shanghai to Miami.  Created by artist Philip Brooker, the poster helps bring together two very far-flung worlds in one of the most unusual and unexpected Art Deco Weekends to date. Brand New, shipped in hard tube.

Miami is the best ‘over-the-top cake’ with so much icing oozing from every window and door – just living here inspires me,” said artist Brooker. “I wanted to capture the color, energy and confection of this great city, especially since it’s a welcome departure from my more serious, dark fine art.”

Brooker is a fine artist, illustrator, furniture maker, filmmaker, and the founder and director of the Miami Poster Project. He was the art director and an illustrator for The Miami Herald for 23 years, where his responsibilities included time as the art director of Tropic, the paper’s Sunday magazine. He has produced posters for the Miami Design Preservation League’s Art Deco Weekend festival (2007 and 2008).
His illustrations have been published widely nationally and internationally in magazines, books, and ad campaigns including Businessweek, Time Warner, Sports Illustrated, HOME Miami, The New York Times, Penthouse Magazine, The Washington Post, CNN, Chase Manhattan Bank and Architectural Digest. He has won numerous awards for his work, and has exhibited in galleries in the U.S. and abroad
Art Deco Weekend supports MDPL’s efforts to maintain the historic district. The Miami Design Preservation League is a non-profit preservation and arts organization founded in 1976.