This authentic ancient Roman coin features Magnus Maximus and a kneeling female figure. It was minted between 383-388 AD, during the Imperial era of Ancient Rome. The reverse of the coin depicts the emperor with a kneeling female.

Magnus Maximus was a Celtiberian who became Roman emperor of the Western Roman Empire from 383 to 388. He usurped the throne from emperor Gratian.

He was made emperor in Britannia and Gaul the next year while Gratian's brother Valentinian II retained Italy, Pannonia, Hispania, and Africa. In 387, Maximus's ambitions led him to invade Italy, resulting in his defeat by Theodosius I at the Battle of Poetovio in 388. In the view of some historians, his death marked the end of direct imperial presence in Northern Gaul and Britannia.

This coin is a great addition to any collection of ancient Roman coins.
