On the dolls presented the wigs are not yet attached.

So you can ask me to change a wig or a piece of clothing. Each of the dressed dolls can be sold naked, or with another item of clothing, for example: doll reference "X" with the wig of the doll reference "Y" and the clothes of the doll reference "Z".

Do not hesitate to ask me to take a photo of the doll as you want it. 


 It was while observing his daughter that Maurice LANGUEREAU had the idea of ​​creating the character Loulotte.

The mischievous, the flirtatious, the sporty Loulotte is the character  No. 2 of Bécassine albums.

She is the adopted granddaughter of the Marquise de Grand.  Air and the inseparable Bécassine, his housekeeper.

It was while preparing the doll congress “ BLUEBERRY » in Lambersart that Madame Colette MERLEN and Madame Marie-Edith CHARLES had the idea of ​​making a little doll Loulotte.

Madame CANLORBE, born Claude LANGUEREAU, who was the model of Loulotte in the adventures of Bécassine written by her dad participated in the final choice of this new doll.


At the beginning, a colleague made it.  When  it ceased its activity, Marie Edith Charles got me the molds and I continued the manufacturing for her who ensured the sale.  

Today Colette Merlen died  and Marie Edith Charles no longer sells these dolls. She advised me and therefore authorized me to sell them myself with one requirement: only the first 1000 Loulottes must remain numbered.

Consequently, Marie-Edith Charles  asked me not to number the wolves in their original version, that is to say porcelain pink, open mouth with 4 teeth, brown eyes and short dark square wig. There were some closed mouths and some big eyes!

I hold the only original molds and authorization from Marie Edith Charles. Any other doll  therefore cannot be a real Loulotte.


Today I therefore propose the “Loulotte  premiere” in pink porcelain or white porcelain version with open or closed mouth variant. 

Marie Edith Charles, on the other hand, authorized me to number the special series that I created, calling them "Loulette" to avoid any confusion.

These are the big eyes series, the black series, the mixed race series and the Asian series.


The “Loulotte” doll measures 24 cm. its head is in porcelain biscuit, the body in wood (parts in turned wood and parts in recomposed wood, careful "old-fashioned" assembly, hands on iron hooks, elastics with ligatures on "V" in interior iron.. . ) blown glass eyes  at the mouth and wig in natural hair or mohair.


“Loulotte”   is  24cm  (9.45 Inches)  doll creation.  Taking one's inspiration from the character of theBecassine adventures (Snipe is another character than Bleuette on the French child magazine Suzette's week.  Becassine  is the nanny  of  Loulotte

Mse Canlorbe, the daughter of  the character creator Mr Languereau,  was “Loulotte inspiration”,   She chooses  “Loulotte” doll with open mouth, brown crystal eyes and brown hair (human or mohair)  that is: “Loulotte the first”. The true, from original molds, with authorization's creator.

There is too, special series “Loulette”:  Big eyes series, Black series, mixed-race series and Asian series who bear order number, back of the neck.

You can ask each doll naked or with another wig or another clothes. Ask picture and price about the doll you want.

For information about   the dolls I sell:  The bodies are wood    As you can see on the pictures, if you look on my E Bay store at the Loulottes or at the bodies (In French: corps de doll), the distinction is: I work again each body to get good look and good use.

In other hands. “Loulotte” doll was created by Mms Colette Merlen and Marie Edith Charles who gave me the molds and the consent to make them.
I hold the only original molds. Each doll don't made from the original molds cannot be a true "Loulotte"  

Marie Edith Charles asked me do not give order number for Loulotte the first.   Only the first 1000 Loulotte bear an order number.  But, she authorize me to make special series called "Loulette" with order number.


Antique Doll Reproduction by "soul of objects"

Made by French craftsman with 19 Th° century method From white porcelain, I make up with antique doll near me or with very large documentation.

On the back of the neck, I engrave my own mark “ÂO” in addition to the original marks.

All wigs are natural human hair or mohair; eyes are Mouth blown, often “Paper weight”

Bodies (wood and papier-mâché) are assembled as antique:  Very good quality cotton elastic with wire ligature, wire hooks for hands and wire “V” inside the body.

You can ask me  each doll naked or with another wig or another dress.

For example: doll “X” with wig from doll “Y” and dress from doll “Z” I will send you picture of the doll you wish with the price for e Bay and Paypal (I accept too credit card)

The “Loulotte” doll measures 24 cm. its head is in porcelain biscuit, the body in wood (parts in turned wood and parts in recomposed wood, careful "old-fashioned" assembly, hands on iron hooks, elastics with ligatures on "V" in interior iron.. . ) blown glass eyes  at the mouth and wig in natural hair or mohair. Mse Canlorbe, the daughter of  the character creator Mr Languereau,  was “Loulotte inspiration”,   She chooses  “Loulotte” doll with open mouth, brown crystal eyes and brown hair (human or mohair)  that is: “Loulotte the first”. The true, from original molds, with authorization's creator. For information about   the dolls I sell:  The bodies are wood    As you can see on the pictures, if you look on my E Bay store at the Loulottes or at the bodies (In French: corps de doll), the