Start drinking clean healthy water with the minerals you need (like Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium). Other filters send the essential minerals your body needs down the drain giving you unnatural water with no minerals. We

include 5 stages of mineralization in our water. Keep your energy up and recover faster with antioxidants and increased oxygen levels in your water. RO Alkaline water features higher pH than a water

ionizer can produce to help balance your water. With powerful UV-C Disinfection, right in your home, you can ensure your water is always free from microorganisms. the UV light is equipped with a warning alarm that will alert you when the power of the UV falls below the germicidal range. UV light kills and prevents bacteria, microorganisms, viruses,

and other life from replicating by destroying their DNA.

• Eliminates microorganisms without adding chemicals to your water

• Over 4,500 hours of UV protection in each bulb

• Stops microorganisms that other filtration methods miss • The best way to kill Salmonella, Fungi, Aspergillus, E. Coli, Cysts, Legionella, Microorganisms, Dysentery, Coliform, Giardia, Mold, Cryptosporidium, Algae,

other viruses, and other bacteria Choose mineralized alkaline water with powerful UV protection for your water

and start drinking healthy today!