F**k It: Be at Peace with Life, Just as It Is by Parkin, John C.

Dive into the world of self-help, motivation, and spirituality with "F**K It: Be at Peace with Life, Just as It Is" by John C. Parkin. This paperback book is a must-read for anyone looking to find inner peace and happiness. Published by HAY House United Kingdom, The Limited in 2018, this book has 240 pages full of inspirational and personal growth topics.

The trade paperback format is perfect for readers who want to carry this book wherever they go. With a weight of only 9.1 Oz, it's easy to bring along in your bag or backpack. In English, this book is perfect for those who are looking to enhance their personal growth and self-esteem. Get your hands on this book and start your journey to a more peaceful life.