206- tir91

Medal, bronze plaque from the Paris Mint (Cornucopia hallmark from 1880), France.
Minted in 1906.
Some defects and oxidation, beautiful old patina.

 PAUL BROUARDEL. Under the bust of Truth (VERITAS), frame comprising the bust on the left of Professor Brouardel framed by the goddesses JVSTITIA and SCIENTIA. Below the inscription in three lines L'INSTITVT DE. MEDICINE. LEGAL. AND. OF. PSYCHIAT/ RIE – THE ASSOCIATION. OF THE. DOCTORS. FORENSIC LISTS – DOCTORS. EXPERTS. THEIR. MASTER. In the field (date) and signature J. CAMUS.

Engraver / Artist / Sculptor : Jean Marie CAMUS (1877-1955).

Dimensions : 90 mm by 75 mm.
Weight : 228 g.
Metal : bronze.

Hallmark on the edge (mark on the edge)  : cornucopia + bronze.

Quick and neat delivery.

The stand is not for sale.
The support is not for sale.

Paul Camille Hippolyte Brouardel, born February 13, 1837, place de l'Hôtel de Ville in Saint-Quentin in Aisne and died July 23, 19061 in Paris, is a French doctor, specialist in forensic medicine. He was dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, member of the Academy of Medicine and the Academy of Sciences.
Born to Pierre Alexandre Brouardel (philosophy professor) and Elisabeth Julie Gabrielle Coudray, he did his secondary education first at the Collège des Bons-Enfants in Saint-Quentin then in Orléans and at the Lycée Saint-Louis in Paris, where his father had been transferred.

Around 1870, he married Laure Lapierre, born in 1852 in Fontainebleau and who would be known as a painter under the name of Laure Brouardel2

In 1858, he was an extern at the Cochin hospital where he met Étienne-Jules Marey. First in the boarding school competition the following year, he won the practical school prize in 1863 and in 1865 defended his thesis - very voluminous - entitled Tuberculization of the genital organs of women at the Paris faculty of which he became more late the dean. Auguste Comte and Claude Bernard then exerted an influence on him which will continue in his work.

From 1873 he directed the medical service of the Saint-Antoine hospital and then that of the Pitié hospital.

In 1879, holding the chair of legal medicine, he established practical morgue teaching by creating the first research laboratories for students. An expert in the courts, he contributed through his practice to building this function by anchoring it in the objective search for proof3.

From 1884, he directed the Consultative Committee on Public Hygiene of France which depended on the authority of the Minister of the Interior: he was a sort of unofficial Minister of Health4. In 1886 he became dean of the Paris School of Medicine, a sign of the definitive establishment of Pasteurism in the medical environment.

He is one of the close friends of Louis Pasteur, whose theses he adopted very early on. It was also his assistant, Dr Grancher, who carried out the first anti-rabies vaccination. The report to the Academy of Medicine in 1887 concerning rabies was delivered by Brouardel. He will again deliver Pasteur's funeral eulogy in 1895.

Paul Brouardel was elected member of the Academy of Sciences on December 5, 1892 (division of free academicians). In 1899 he was elected president of the French Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AFAS).

In the early years of the Third Republic, he played a key role in promoting hygienism 5. Government commissioner, he played an essential role in the adoption of the law of November 30, 1892 on the practice of medicine and the repression of charlatanism; this law6 which he defended article by article, and on which he had worked for twenty years, is also commonly called the “Brouardel law. » This law also gives doctors, dentists and midwives the right to form professional associations or unions.

Active in the fight against tuberculosis, he also supported the law of February 15, 1902 relating to the protection of public health which is at the origin of the public health code.

Although he never directly sought political office, he expressed his opinions: at the end of the Second Empire, he declared his republican affinities and took up arms against the Communards. At the end of his life he was considered an eminent figure in French medicine. He died of tuberculosis.

He is buried in the Montparnasse cemetery. Avenue du Docteur Brouardel (75007) has existed since 1907.
Works and publications
Monument to the glory of Paul Brouardel by Denys Puech, raised on July 20, 1909 by public subscription, in the Cordeliers cloister of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, now Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University.

    On the tuberculization of the genital organs of women, [thesis for the doctorate in medicine, presented and defended on January 14, 1865], A. Parent (Paris), 1865, Full text [archive].
    Lesions of the rock: caries, necrosis, Impr. Moquet (Paris), 1867, Full text [archive].
    Critical study of the various medications used against diabetes mellitus, P. Asselin (Paris), 1869, read online on Gallica.
    Urea and the liver, variations in the quantity of urea eliminated in liver diseases, Masson (Paris), 1877, read online on Gallica.
    Organization of the autopsy service at the morgue [Reports addressed to the Minister of Justice], Impr. by E. Martinet (Paris), 1879, read online [archive] on Gallica.
    Pel case, J.-B. Baillière et fils (Paris), 1886, 60 p.
    Medical confidentiality, J.-B. Baillière et fils (Paris), 1887, read online [archive] on Gallica.
    Death and sudden death, J.-B. Baillière et fils (Paris), 1893, read online [archive] on Gallica.
    Causes of error in expert opinions relating to indecent assaults, [memory to the Society of M read online [archive] on Gallica.

In collaboration

    with Léon-Henri Thoinot (1858-1915): Typhoid Fever, J.-B. Baillière et fils (Paris), 1895, read online [archive] on Gallica.
    with E. Lagrue: War on tuberculosis, anti-tuberculosis education and teaching booklet, C. Delagrave (Paris), 1903, read online [archive] on Gallica.
    with Casimir Périer (President of the French Republic): Meeting of the International Tuberculosis Bureau. Campaign plan for the fight against tuberculosis in France, [Public session of May 5, 1903. Speech by M. Casimir-Périer], C. Naud (Paris), 1903, read online [archive] on Gallica.
    Typhoid fever in the garrisons of France, not including Algeria and Tunisia, [report by Professor P. Brouardel, president of the commission], Impr. nationale (Paris), 1906, read online [archive] on Gallica.


    Hypnotism and similar states from a medico-legal point of view, by Dr. Gilles de La Tourette, Plon, Nourrit et Cie (Paris), 1887, read online on Gallica.
    Paul Loye: Death by Beheading
In 1858, he was an extern at the Cochin hospital where he met Étienne-Jules Marey. First in the boarding school competition the following year, he won the practical school prize in 1863 and in 1865 defended his thesis - very voluminous - entitled Tuberculization of the genital organs of women at the Paris faculty of which he became more late the dean. Auguste Comte and Claude Bernard then exerted an influence on him which will continue in his work. In the early years of the Third Republic, he played a key role in promoting hygienism 5. Government commissioner, he played an essential role in the adoption of the law of November 30, 1892 on the practice of medicine and the repression of charlatanism; this law6 which he defended article by article, and on which he had worked for twenty years,