This is for a custom Atari 2600 Pac Man functional art display. The " Notorious P. A. C.  edition".  Misfit Toyz Edition.This celebrates the original version of Pac Man for the Atari 2600. Love it or hate it; it was what we had back then and we enjoyed it. There was no console capable of recreating the arcade experience at the time. This display celebrates the differences between this port and the arcade version. The mini box also acts as a figurine cardback display. It comes with a mini stand that goes under the figure bubble to keep it from tipping. The stand is made to look like an Atari 2600 console hooked up to the bubble which resembles a TV. The cartridge is painted with high quality yellow paint and fitted with a custom holographic label. This also comes with a miniature replica manual.  The manual has some historical info about the Atari 2600 port of PacMan as well as some info about the original arcade version. The cartridge and manual fit inside the box. Perfect for display in any man cave or game room. NTSC