This is Mavis. She is lightly marked DAM on the back of her little body. She is almost three inches tall. She has new yellow to pink Icelandic Mohair. It’s very full. Thank goodness she has a big head for all that new hair! Her gown is spectacular! I mean amazing, and glorious and colorful! It’s a metallic sheen fabric with tons of movement. It has pastels in pink, yellow, purple, orange and blue. I’ve lined her hemline and bonnet with colorful Swarovski crystals. She positively shimmers! She has her original amber glass eyes. She has lavender, floral undergarments and white 1960’s Mary Jane shoes. Mavis is my little Gardner. She works in my flower garden with my yearly and annual flowers. The pansies, marigolds, roses 🌹 and daffodils all shine when she comes out with shovel and plant food in hand. Will she be working in your perennials?