A very mysterious find, this is a SPBLU movie promotional cushion of sorts that has absolutely no other documented appearances. Theories as to the origin of this pillow are as follows. It could be a custom made with (per the era of production) very advanced, machine sewing patterning equipment based on a somewhat uncommon mug which bears the same design. What supports this theory is that the barcode is embroidered on right to the left of the subtext - there would be no point to add that detail to the graphic if the creator had their own choice about it, but since the original mug had the barcode there, the machine may have copied the design. there is no way that the embroidery could be done by hand, it is way too tight and neat and professional. another theory is that this is some kind of sample product promo produced by the same manufacturer as the mug which bears the same graphic because they would be the ones with access to that exact asset which is used on the pillow and the mug and not seen anywhere else. regardless of its origin, this pillow brings about nostalgic memories for the classic days of south park and exhibits what i believe to be the only plush appearance of those 4 adult characters behind the boys, which is pretty special, not to mention the only plush appearance of the classic movie theatre in south park, the concessions, and the classic-style boys sitting on those folding chairs. i acquired this a few years ago and am de-acquiring it now for a lucky buyer to add to their collection.