Java Moss - Easy Low-Light Plant for Beginners

If you don’t have a green thumb and are looking for a nearly indestructible plant, the Java Moss is for you! Java Moss is one of the easiest plants you will ever grow. This moss is hardy, versatile, and beautiful. You can be sure it will add a flash of green to your tank.A light green color on the ends of the moss indicates new growth and due to its sturdiness, Java Moss is great for beginners.The plant is unique in its design in the fact that it does not root. Rather, Java Moss attaches itself to things, much like ivy. But, you don’t have to worry about planting it and it won’t root into your gravel. Shrimp are especially great for Java Moss because they can delicately clean the moss, ensuring it stays healthy. There are times when hair algae can grow on the moss, but adding a few shrimp to the tank can take care of that problem. Shrimp will happily eat the white fluff away.The moss can be draped and added to branches, whether they be high or low, inside your tank. If you want to keep the Java Moss neater when inside your tank, all you have to do is give it a quick trim. Trimming the plant will keep it healthy and won’t damage any future growth.