Haynes Pro 1 year license. Cars and Trucks auto data, auto diagrams and more.. Online version doesn’t require any installation! License Key will be delivered to your ebay private message or email with instructions.

Haynes Pro regularly updated every 4 months with new information of cars and trucks. Including both tech and Electronics pack, this module helps technicians identify, locate and resolve electrical system errors and component errors using intelligent data.

It has 15 different languages: English, Italian, German, Russian, Spanish, French, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finland, Greek, Portugalian, Romanian, Hungarian and Polish.

- It doesn’t have customer report.

- It doesn’t have estimate calculations.

Additionally, it's important to mention that our system requires the use of the vehicle identification number (VIN) or selecting vehicle manually for inquries. It does not support checks based on vehicle registration numbers alone. This ensures that you receive precise and tailored information for each vehicle's specific needs.