The Voice of Scotland Vol. VIII, Nos. 3-4. A Quarterly Magazine of Scottish Arts and Affairs

Author: MacDiarmid, Hugh, ed
Title: The Voice of Scotland Vol. VIII, Nos. 3-4. A Quarterly Magazine of Scottish Arts and Affairs
Publication: [Dunfermline]: Printed by the Caledonian Press, c. 1951
Edition: First edition

Description: 8vo, 38 pp, saddle-stapled wraps.

A double number of MacDiarmid's important little magazine , which ran to 31 numbers. This issue announces a change in management, after "recent delays," and is unusual for being largely devoted to the work of Wilhem Reich, and dedicated to him. The reason, as MacDiarmid explains in his foreword to the issue, of Reich's influence on the Scottish experimental educationalists A. S. Neill, of the Summerhill School, and John Aitkenhead, of the Kilquhanity School. The editorial also includes an appeal to help save Summerhill School.

The Reich material in this issue includes essays on his work by Cyril Barrow and David Boadella. David Craig contributes an essay on Stevenson and the Vanished Scotland. This issue also includes poems by Edwin Morgan and Hugh Moore, and Luis Cernuda's poem A Glasgow Cemtery, appearing here in a translation by the great Edwin Morgan.

The periodical is rare institutionally. OCLC locates holdings at only four institutions worldwide, none of which are in North America.

Staples rusted, a 2" ink stain to back cover, the spine a little rolled, but otherwise a sturdy and sound very good copy.

Seller ID: 31776

Subject: Poetry, Periodicals

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