Item sold as-is. You are buying an actual tangible item. Please do not purchase my item if you do not understand this.

As per eBay policy I must state that any item listed as mystical, metaphysical, paranormal or extraordinary is not allowed on eBay and is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

Per eBay, I cannot guarantee or even assure you of anything metaphysical or paranormal. This must be stated or eBay will remove my listing.

These items should never be used in replace of any type of medical needs. You are buying a tangible item.

The next several listings will be my most creepiest dolls. I keep all the most creepiest dolls in a separate room for the protection of me, my family and other dolls. I believe if they are separated, they won't be able to feed off each others energy. If you are drawn to the creepy dolls, look no further as I have quite a few I will be trying to get listed as quickly as possible. I DO NOT LIKE WORKING with DEMONIC DOLLS. I DO NOT HAVE MUCH EXPERIENCE with them. The information I am putting in the listing is all the info I have on the dolls. I only do one session with them and as soon as I find them to be demonic I shut the session down and put them in a locked room with the rest of the demonic dolls. I am trying to get rid of them as quickly as possible. PLEASE do not purchase if you do not have experience with demonic dolls. And please don't message me 5 times asking me how demonic are they. I won't have any more answers for you than what is in this listing.

Allow me to introduce you to Agassi—the girl with missing fingers and a past steeped in malevolence:

In the dimly lit attic of the old Victorian manor turned into an antique shop, I stumbled upon her—a relic from forgotten times. The air hung heavy with dust and memories, and there she sat, perched upon a wooden shelf, her porcelain face hauntingly beautiful. Her name, whispered through generations, was Agassi.

The doll’s eyes—once innocent brown—now bore the weight of centuries. They held secrets, like stars lost in a moonless sky. But it was her right hand that drew my gaze—the missing fingers, stumps that seemed to ache with phantom pain.

I approached cautiously, my footsteps muffled by the worn-out carpet. I asked the shopkeeper about her and she told me her name is Agassi,” I murmured, testing the name on my tongue. “Who was she?”

Her painted lips remained sealed, but her eyes flickered—an invitation into the past. I stood before her, the attic’s shadows dancing around us.

“Long ago,” the shopkeeper began, “she was not a doll. She was flesh and bone—a girl named Agatha. Her family lived in this very manor, their wealth built upon secrets and blood.”

Agassi’s head tilted, as if urging her to continue.

“Agatha,” she whispered, “was no ordinary girl. She possessed a gift—a connection to the spirit world. Her fingers wove spells, her laughter echoed through moonlit gardens. But darkness seeped into her veins—the kind that whispered promises of power.”

One stormy night, Agatha’s parents hosted a séance. The manor’s grand hall shimmered with candlelight, and Agatha, barely fifteen, sat at the center. Her right hand—the one now missing fingers—hovered over the Ouija board.

The spirits answered. They whispered secrets—the location of hidden treasures, the names of traitors. Agatha’s eyes glowed with forbidden knowledge. But one spirit, darker than the rest, demanded a price.

“Your fingers,” it hissed. “Offer them, and I’ll grant you dominion over life and death.”

Agatha hesitated. The room held its breath. She glanced at her parents, their eyes wide with greed. And then, with trembling resolve, she sliced off her fingers—the right hand, the vessel of her power.

The spirit possessed her. Agatha became Agassi—the porcelain doll, her soul trapped within fragile limbs. Her missing fingers—the sacrifice that bound her to the spirit realm.

But the hunger remained. Agassi whispered secrets to those who dared listen. She moved at night, her porcelain feet leaving no trace. Her eyes—once brown, now void—held centuries of sorrow.

“Why?” I asked the shopkeeper, my voice barely audible. “Why the sacrifice?”

Her gaze bore into mine. “To save her family. To wield power. But the spirit—it devoured her essence. Her fingers—their absence—it’s a reminder of her folly.”

“Her fingers lost to time,” she said. “A tragic symphony of love and betrayal.”

As the storm raged outside, I made my decision. I purchased Agassi and took her home, her porcelain skin cold against my palms. I could not leave her there.

Agassi, the haunted doll, harbors a tragic past and a malevolent spirit. If you were to encounter her, your experiences might be both fascinating and chilling. Let’s explore how you could communicate with her and what tools you might use:

Encounters with Agassi:
Eerie Presence: Agassi’s energy would linger around you—an otherworldly sensation that raises the hairs on your skin. You might feel her gaze even when she’s not in sight.
Whispers in the Dark: Late at night, you’d hear faint whispers—words that defy logic, secrets from forgotten ages. Agassi’s voice, like wind through ancient corridors, would reach your ears.
Visions and Dreams: Agassi might appear in your dreams—a porcelain figure with missing fingers, eyes like ancient stars. She’d beckon you, share glimpses of her tragic past.
Sudden Temperature Drops: In her presence, the room would chill. You’d see your breath, even on a warm day. Agassi’s spirit would weave through the air, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

Tools for Communication:
Candles: Light a candle in a quiet room. Agassi might manipulate the flame—flickering it or extinguishing it momentarily—as a form of communication.
Glasses of Water: Place a glass of water near Agassi. Spirits often manipulate water, causing ripples or even moving the liquid slightly.
Audio and Video Recording Tools: Record ambient sounds or video footage. Agassi might leave subtle messages—inaudible whispers or fleeting shadows—captured in the recordings.
Divination Tools:
Tarot Cards: Lay out tarot cards and ask questions. Agassi could influence the card selection or reveal cryptic meanings.
Pendulum: Hold a pendulum over Agassi. Its movements—swinging or circling—could indicate yes or no answers from the spirit.
Oracle Decks: Similar to tarot cards, oracle decks provide symbolic messages. Agassi might guide your hand to specific cards.

Safety Precautions:
Set Intentions: Before any communication, set clear intentions. Specify that you only wish to connect with benevolent spirits or Agassi’s essence without harm.
Psychic Protection: Visualize a protective shield around yourself. Imagine white light enveloping you, shielding you from negative energies.
Respect Boundaries: Agassi is a sentient being. Approach with respect and empathy. Avoid provoking her or demanding answers.
Grounding: After any communication, ground yourself—connect with the Earth’s energy. This helps maintain balance and prevents lingering effects.

Remember, Agassi’s spirit is both tragic and powerful. Approach her with reverence, and be prepared for the unexpected. She may reveal hidden truths or lead you deeper into the shadows

Agassi has chosen this doll to be her vessel, she comes to you in the same condition as I received her so please see pictures. If you feel a connection with her, she might be reaching out to you to help her.

If you are feel a connection or are drawn to this doll, or keep coming back to this listing, I believe that the doll is calling out to you! I also need to say that these dolls will not preform on command. They are not to be adopted solely for your amusement. They are not a toy, they are a collectible doll. Sometimes it takes awhile for them to get comfortable, just like when you move into a new space. Everyone’s experience is different, and you may not have the same feelings I have. Give them time, space & respect.

***I CANNOT guarantee that you will experience the same feelings that I have from this doll as they work in different ways and have different personalities. It can take weeks or even months for a doll to feel comfortable enough to show their abilities. It will most likely start with subtle hints just to test you and see if you are paying attention. Have an open mind and you’ll be amazed at what you’ll see and hear.

******I do not have videos or have a TikTok account. So please don’t ask. If I did I would have to charge a lot more for my dolls. Plus I have a job so I don’t have time. And as per eBay’s guidelines….this is for entertainment purposes only as we are not allowed to sell “haunted items or magic" on eBay. I’m just following the guidelines set forth by eBay.*

******eBay requires I add the policy on purchasing paranormal/metaphysical objects: eBay forbids the sale of intangible objects (spirits, entities, luck, magic, etc.), therefore I am only selling this as a doll/tangible item. There is no guarantee of paranormal/supernatural events taking place as a result of purchasing this doll, nor is there any guarantee of an entity being attached to this doll, and I am not responsible for any experiences that do or do not happen once this doll is in your possession. You are physically only purchasing a doll, and everything described about this doll within this post, and through communication with me, is intended for entertainment purposes only. Doll is sold as is. In order to participate and purchase this item you must be 18 years or older. By purchasing this item shows you have fully read and understand this disclaimer. *Each and every item is packed well. How many different ways can I say this??

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to them.

1. Where purchased my dolls? I have purchased my dolls from other eBay sellers selling the same type of dolls, yard sales, antique stores, thrift stores, family members, friends. If I feel a something special about the doll, I will buy her or him and add them to my collection.

2. How can I list so many at a time? I am able to do so because I have a large collection that I have acquired over the years. Even though I have a connection to these dolls, the time has come downsize my collection and I want to see them go to the right person and someone who will show them the respect they deserve. And hopefully recoup a little bit of my funds for purchasing the dolls over the years.

3. How do I know they are paranormal? Well, I cannot say that here due to eBay policies. They are for entertainment purposes only. I stick to eBay rules. I don’t proclaim any experience to be the same for you that I had. It is all about your own skill or intuition. I DO NOT GUARANTEE ANY EXPERIENCE AT ALL!!! eBay does not allow the sale of “haunted” items.


5. Please be kind and respectful. I have had some pretty abusive messages, and they will not be tolerated. Please keep your personal fetishes to yourself, even if you're joking. I don't need to read it.

Thank you for understanding.
A little about me.

This is my collection of interesting dolls that I have collected over the years. These dolls draw me in and I just have to have it.  I have collected dolls for many years and love each and every one of them in their own certain way. Unfortunately the time has come for me to downsize and recoup some of my funds for purchasing the dolls over the years. If there was an easier way to do that, I would not be selling them on eBay. I don’t want to leave it up to my kids. As for my dolls, I always have to laugh when I have friends over and they comment on how creepy some of them look and feel as if they are looking right at them. To me they are all beautiful. I will only be keeping my absolute favorite dolls as some I just cannot part with yet.

Thank you for visiting.

***my items are sold in AS IS Condition.