“Heavenly Chimera”

2.5” x 3.5” colored pencil and graphite drawing on Arches hotpressed paper; April 10, 2022; by Diana Mae Potts: self representing artist on eBay.

This listing is a monthly Nibblefest that a group of artists list each month from the 20th-27th. We have the search term NFAC in our listings starting at $.99 so you can see other artists who made art with the monthly theme. This month’s theme is “Things With Wings”.

Consider the NFAC listings at $.99 starting bid to be a sale for showcasing my art. For a much lower price you can buy a piece of my art to see quality. Keep an eye out for my art on eBay to get more.

I'm a Pennsylvania artist implanted from central New Jersey where I was born and raised.   Growing up I had access to miles and miles of bridle paths through hilly woods where I took walks which became where I nurtured my imagination.   My education included class trips into New York City, Philadelphia and Trenton where we were exposed to history, Broadway,  opera and the various art museums.  In high school I won art awards which had my art displayed at the NJ State Museum and the Morris Museum.   In my adult life I explored East Asian cultures and art history.  Currently I make art, play guitar and am studying the Lenape language. I also submitted an entry into The World Trade Center Memorial Competition for the World Trade Center Memorial.

I send out my art the day after I receive payment.
