"CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES: Chemical and Legal Guide to federal Drug laws" by Alexander T. Shulgin Ph.D.

An essential reference for anyone concerned with controlled substances & maintaining a drug free workplace & community. Lists every currently & formerly scheduled (illegal) drug, authority for inclusion in the law, its exact names, its chemical abstract identification number, & all known synonyms. Lists all chemical structures of controlled substances, arranged by structural families. Lists drug code numbers assigned to drugs, solvents, vitamins, food stuffs, & things recognized. Has a complete empirical formula index of all compounds mentioned in the current laws. Includes the original Controlled Substance Act of 1970, the Designer Drug Act of 1986 & the present form it has taken, the working of the Emergency Scheduling Act, the Analogue Enforcement Act, & the current Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Contains 5 schedules for controlled substances & their criteria & defines the vague & misleading terms used in the laws, like "high abuse potential" & "substantially similar." Forewords by Dr. James Bakalar, for lawyers; Dr. John Thornton, for criminalists; Dr. Peyton Jacob III, for scientists. Author, Dr. Alexander Shulgin is one of the world's foremost psychopharmacological research chemists & a professor at U.C. Berkeley.