Meet Lainee!

Vessel 19"

Plush doll.

Hi, attached to this doll is the spirit of Lainee, a lovely girl.

Lainee died in a freak accident. Lainee was not being supervised when she was crushed by a heavy set of chest of drawers. It was extremely heavy, as it was made of very high quality wood.  Nothing was inside of the drawers, so once pulled out the chest of drawers would become unbalanced easily.  Lainee died in the mid 1970s, she was about 2 years old.

Lainee can be a quite high maintenance spirit, honestly. She requires quite a lot of communication to keep her happy. Because of this she is likely to be best suited to somebody already experienced with these types of dolls. Lainee can be quite hectic, especially at night. This isn't anything unusual, it's just her energy will feel very restless. I recommend lighting her a candle and gently talking to her to counter her energetic energy, at least at night times. I don't believe Lainee enjoys feeling this way, so, that's why I suggest trying to make her settle down a little.

Lainee was the first child of her parents, so this experience was very traumatic for them. After her passing they both made arrangments within their house so that this would never happen again. They were unable to conceive another child for years after Lainees passing. This was likely due to grief and not feeling like they could be good parents. Eventually, they did have another child, a boy. Lainee says that they would talk to him about her, which would make her very happy. There are also multiple times that Lainees brother would be looking at something, her parents wouldn't know what, but would find it odd. Lainee admits that it was her and then she laughs. Lainee laughs a lot, she is full of happiness. She loves animals of all kinds!

She has a strong positive energy. If you feel drawn to Lainee, it's likely she has chosen you!

eBay requires I state this is for entertainment purposes only and you are purchasing a tangible doll.....

Love and Light.....