Louis Moreau Gottschalk is a renown American composer who help start identifying the American music style by often mixing Cuban, Creole and other Latin American work into European-style music. 

The Last Hope is a song that will test you by keeping one hand playing fast and the other rather medium to slow paced. 

This sheet music is referred to as the "Beaux Arts Edition" (states this on the cover). Also has a preface about the song and composer.

Fair condition but still good for its age - the spine is mostly split but holding with a 2" bridge. Otherwise, most of the other blemishes are mostly on the edges - small tears, light staining, ruffles and creases here and there.

Approx. 13-1/2" x 10" large format sheet music with 9 pages (including front and back cover). The cover art is by John Frew. Published by Eclipse Publishing Co. (Philadelphia) in circa 1914.