Fanizani Phiri Akuda



Polished Stone Vintage Shona Sculpture 

Signed by the Artist. 

5 inches x 6 inches.

Selected solo or group exhibitions

1967 to 1997: many Annual Heritage Exhibitions at the National Gallery, Harare

1970 Museum of Malawi, Blantyre

1980 "Tengenenge Stone Sculpture from Africa", Feingarten Galleries, Los Angeles, USA

1981 "Art from Africa", Commonwealth Institute, London, England

1982 Janet Fleisher Gallery, Philadelphia, USA

1983 Images in Stone, Earl Sherman Gallery, Camerillo, California, USA

1985 "Zimbabwean Stone Sculpture", Kresge Art Museum, Michigan, USA

1986 Irving Sculpture Gallery, Sydney, Australia

1989 Zimbabwe op de Berg, Foundation Beelden op de Berg, Wageningen, The Netherlands

1990 Contemporary Stone Carving from Zimbabwe, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, UK

1993 Galerie Knud Grothe, Charlottenlund, Denmark

1995 Ointmoetting in Hamonie, Galerie de Strang, Dodewaard, The Netherlands

1998 Zimbabwe stenen Getuigenissen, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium

2000 Kew Gardens, London, England

2005 The Legend of Zimbabwe's Stone Sculpture: Fanizani Akuda, solo retrospective, National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe

2006 Master Sculptors of Zimbabwe, Group exhibition, Italy