
Purpose: Enhance immunity, antioxidant, skin whitening, etc.
Features: This vitamin C supplement supports immune system health and provides antioxidant support. If you take vitamin C, you can also use some oral and topical whitening products C that add vitamin 1, and the effect will be better. Vitamin C can also lighten spots and pigments, and its antioxidant properties can delay the appearance of wrinkles and make skin brighter.
            Antioxidant effect: Since vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage, the antioxidant and anti-aging benefits are very obvious.
           Enhance immunity: Improve the body's anti-stress ability and immunity to the external environment
           Promote healing: It can promote the synthesis of collagen, have a certain repair effect on body damage, and prevent bleeding. A lack of vitamin C can lead to poor wound healing.
           Lower cholesterol: It can promote the conversion of cholesterol in the body, and the liver converts it into bile salts, increasing excretion, thus reducing the cholesterol content in the blood;
          Promote iron absorption: It can improve the absorption, transformation and storage of divalent iron in the body, and can be used to prevent iron deficiency anemia; Vitamin C can enhance human immunity, kill a variety of invading bacteria, and has a good repair effect on body damage.