Title: What's Up Tiger Lily
Year: 1966
Region: ALL
Rating: M15+
Genre: Comedy
Cast: Woody Allen, Tatsuya Mihashi, Akiko Wakabayashi, Mie Hama, John Sebastian, Tadao Nakamaru, Susumu Kurobe, Sachio Sakai, Eisei Amamoto, Tetsu Nakamura, Osman Yusuf, Zal Yanovsky, Joe Butler, Steve Boone, Frank Buxton, Louise Lasser, Len Maxwell, Kumi Mizuno, Mickey Rose & China Lee.
Directors: Woody Allen & Senkichi Taniguchi
Description: Woody Allen. Auteur. Modern Legend. Comic. The man who gave us "Manhattan", "Annie Hall" and "Crimes & Misdemeanours." One of modern cinema's great artists and the world's funniest New Yorker. Well, once upon a time, Woody - then known as Allen Konigsberg; stole a movie, made it his own and whilst improving on the original created a minor comedy classic. Set in the Japan of the mid 60's, the original is a long lost mid sixties curio of the kind later satirised by Mike Myers with Austin Powers. The resulting film sees the cast desperate to discover the recipe for a particular egg salad, replete with sub 007 stylings. However, the new dialogue comes courtesy of Woody and friends.
Chapters: Scene Selections
■ Tiger Lily Kittens Photo Gallery
■ Woody Allen Biography
Release: Original Edition
Media: DVD
Case: Standard
Discs: 1
Format: PAL
Type: Single Layer
Display: 16:9 Widescreen
Picture: Colour
Audio: Dolby Digital 1.0
Language: English
Subtitles: None
Duration: 80 minutes
Condition: Brand New & Sealed