PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: MASK NOT INCLUDED!  This fog wiper is a manual device that allows the user to slide a magnet/wiper on the outside of the lens, causing an inside magnet/wiper to move in unison and wipe off fog.  SIMPLE!  This product works even with prescription lens masks. Note that the unit price (quantity=1) is for one magnet/wiper on inside and one magnet/wiper on outside. If your mask has two separate lenses, you must order TWO units (quantity = 2).  Available in three colors: Black, Blue, and Yellow.

Additional Wide-i fog wipers for Scuba Diving & Snorkel Masks, Swimming Goggles, Professional Dive Helmets, Firefighter Masks, and Ski & Snowboard Masks are also available at eBay. 

- Requires no training
- Clear view when desired
- No chemicals, and does not wipe off like anti-fog solutions