Over 300 Exclusive Prints and 75+ Original Works


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They are printed on 300gsm Satin heavyweight art paper with lightfast inks guaranteed for 75 years


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 All works are copyright of Hansen Fine Art and the individual artist


BLANK CARD featuring the painting

THE BUS CONDUCTRESS - London Transport RM by Trevor Mitchell


In a career dominated by men, women first got a taste of life ‘On The Buses’ during World War One, but it would be another fifty years before they would make a common appearance on Britains buses. Here a “Clippie”, greets passengers waiting to board the ubiquitous London Routemaster. The bus in the background comes from either the Green Line or London County routes.

THE CARD IS 7" x 5" (178mm x 129mm)



U.K Postage Charges

First card - 2nd Class : £1.10

Each additional card adds 15p to P&P total