Anti - algae agent in the form of a solution that prevents excessive development of green algae.

We also recommend other products of the orange group:Algin, Chloramina and Abioseptyna

This preparation is also available in a different size of bottle:

Tropical Algin - canister 2 Liters (per 20000l of water)
Tropical Algin - bottle 500ml (per 5000l of water)
Tropical Algin - bottle 100ml (1000l of water)
Tropical Algin - bottle 30ml (300l of water)

A comprehensive anti-algae agent in the form of a solution that prevents excessive development of green algae. Algae flourishing in the spring‑summer period limit the development of vascular aquatic plants and may cause deterioration in water quality. Hence controlling algae, however difficult, is essential. If aquarium water is not only hard but also contains a high concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, it is subject to algae infestation in aquaria exposed to intense sunlight or artificial light.  

INGREDIENTS: active ingredient per 100 ml of preparation: copper (II) sulphate (VI) 5 hydrate 300 mg.

TREATMENT: 10 ml per 100 l of water.

CAUTION! Do not apply to aquaria containing eggs, larvae, and/or young fry, as this powerful algicide may harm them. 
Together with this preparation we recommend: Bacto-Active, Torfin Complex, Querex