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Borage seed oil - Foodstuff, Unrefined, Cold Pressed, Ol'Vita - 100 ml

Availability: in stock

This oil is cold-pressed from borage seeds. This product is rich of unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic and gamma-linoleic aicd (GLA). This pure oil also contains vitamin C, mineral salts (among others, silica), tannins, flavonoids, saponins, potassium, magnesium, zink and iron.

Borage oil is rich of GLA acids, which have main impact on our skin condition. It also combats dysfunctions and infections of the skin. Borage oil is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal.

This fully natural product helps with various problems like:

  • burns,

  • acne,

  • frostbites,

  • ecchymoses,

  • ulcerations,

  • wounds,

  • boils,

  • pruritus and seborrheic dermatitis,

  • difficult to heal.

Moreover borage oil:

  • reduces wrinkles and improves the skin tone,

  • cleanses the body of harmful metabolic waste,

  • helps in case of damaged mucous membrane of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach and intestines,

  • reduces the level cholesterol and blood pressure,

  • precludes atherosclerosis development,

  • has positive impact on immune system,

  • helps people with rheumatic diseases,

  • improves well-being of women during menopause,

To be kept in cold and dark place (in the fridge after open). We recommend to take one tea spoon a day before meal. Borage oil shouldn't be heated to the temperature higher than 65 degrees.

It's a perfect addition for salads and coleslaws.

You might receive a bottle with English or Polish label.

Some of the information is obtained from generally available sources.