BOOTY CALL is a  true fresh bobcat gland lure. Cats love to smell what other cats are up too. You will find no filler here, just booty glands that call out to male and female bobcats. A lot of Federal Research has made it clear that the body odor of a cat causes a major reaction to another bobcat that comes along. I personally believe that a good fresh bobcat gland lure hold more attraction than just bobcat urine. Urine is good at all bobcat sets, but a gland lure will cause more interest due to the more complex odor that it gives off. The reason we call our bobcat gland lure booty call is that we only use the anal glands from the bobcats we catch, cut and keep clean ourselves. We do not use the common fillers like livers, galls, ear butts,  foot pads, sex parts or meat. We take pride in the fact that our bobcat lure is nothing but the booty of the cat, because that is what holds the most interest to another bobcat. If you have never used BOOTY CALL before, you will smell the difference and better yet the bobcats in your area will smell the difference as well. 2oz bottle