With rubber bushings. Quantity of needles: 496; Diameter: 51 mm (2.008 in); Width: 72 mm (2.835 in); Step: 3,5 mm (0.138 in).

Lyapko roller applicators are applicators for dynamic application («Million needle shower»).  Rollers are recommended for any therapeutic effects on anybody surfaces, particularly those which are difficult to handle with a flat applicator (the area of   joints, neck, face etc.).The therapeutic effect is several times faster than with a static applicator. Galvanic current produced in the skin, on the edges and between the needles is pulsed. In the treatment of back and other hard to reach areas of the body there required participation of the assistant.

Lyapko roller-applicator "Universal M" is recommended for treatment and exact reflex diagnostics. Optimal dimensions of the working surface and the needle step of the applicator roller allow you to apply it to all areas of the body and head. The roller can be used in the treatment and diagnosis of people of all age groups.

By means of the roller it is possible to render the sedative or toning action. For sedative effect (for example, at pains in lumbar and sacral area or in the lower extremities) the session lasts 10-15 minutes with coverage of the big site of a surface of a body.

To achieve toning effect (for example, at a paresis of muscles and other states) roll the area within 5-7 minutes, but with occupation of the smaller square of a body is made. Roller needles, adjoining to a skin, don't damage it. The method is effective and non-invasive, i.e. completely excludes transmission of infection (viral hepatitis, AIDS).

Lyapko roller-applicator "Universal M" is recommended for exact reflex diagnostics. The diagnostic method is based on the fact that if there is pathological process the sites of skin which are projections of internals, zones of a projection of points of "sympathy" (along a backbone) and points of "heralds" (on the forward surface of a trunk), react differently to influence by the needle roller.

Many years of medical practice have proved that Lyapko applicator produces reliable and harmless effect, it does not cause any side-effects, complications or allergic reactions.

The effect produced by the applicators is potent and multiple-factor, their high efficiency, simplicity and reliability in use make them unique, they have no analogs in the world.

The applicator mobilizes internal resources, stimulates the natural remedy production inside of the body in the required dosage, makes up for the lack of motor activity.

Applicators, designed by reflexologist Lyapko N. G. (Ukraine) are intended to be widely used in complex therapy and to prevent different illnesses and pathological states. It is a wonderful means to save and improve your health.

 Having taken as a foundation the Chinese method of influence on the biologically active points and zones with a needle bundle (mej-hua-tchen), doctor Lyapko applied his unique technology, according to which many-needle applicators and special needles are made of various metals and metal coatings (cooper, zinc, iron, nickel, silver), and then arranged them in a certain order on the rubber base. This helped to increase and diverse the number of factors affecting the skin and to augment therapeutic and healing effect. 

Lyapko applicator properties:

• It increases working capacity and vitality, normalizes sleep and metabolism, rises mood.
• It assists prevention and treatment of gastroenteric tract illnesses as well as cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system diseases.
• It eliminates sexual disorders, owing to which sexual function of both men and women becomes normal; when used in gynaecological disorders treatment the applicator helps eliminate inflammation and ovarian - menstrual cycle disorders.
 • It reduces time of complete recovery after craniocerebral injury, fractures, operations, strokes.
 • It cuts off back pain, headaches, joint and muscle pain.
 • It helps people suffering from endocrine disorders, normalize their endocrine balance and metabolism (obese people lose weight, emaciated people put on the weight they need).
 • It doubles or triples efficiency of such methods as massage, ear and general acupuncture, manual and laser therapy, microwave resonant therapy (both when used combined and preliminarily).
 • It helps get rid of pernicious habits (smoking, alcoholism).
 • It allows to take fewer medicines and to stop using them later on.

The applicators are elastic rubber plates or rollers with the needles fixed on them in a special way. The needles are made of metals necessary for human body (zinc, copper, iron, nickel and silver).

 Basic metals used for making the needles are copper (brass) and iron. All the needles of the applicator or only a part of them have coatings of other metals (the tips of the needles stay uncoated).

The applicator "family" consists of many applicators which have different dimensions, shape, step (distance between the needles) and ways of fixation.

The applicator step is selected according to individual cutaneous sensitivity and required intensity of stimulation; the patient`s sensations are also taken into accounts (one should feel comfortable). For children it is better to use the applicators with the denser step.

The applicator plates and the applicator rollers produce the same effect so it is possible to use them by themselves and to combine in order to get more powerful effect.

The difference between the applicator-plates and the applicator-rollers.

The applicator-plates are intended for static stimulation, mainly of those parts of the body which have big curvature radius: back, abdomen, chest, lumbosacral area, palms, and feet. It is possible to lie on the flat applicators or to put them on the affected area of the body and press evenly with a little sack of sand or fix them with a bandage. Applying the plates does not require any assistance.

The rollers are the applicators used for dynamic stimulation ("needle shower"). They can be applied to all the parts of the body. Applying the roller needs an assistant`s help to cover those parts of the body which are difficult to reach. With the applicator roller it is possible to warm the whole family after supercooling in 10 minutes. Children usually like "to be rolled" with the applicator, they just laugh with pleasure.

Mechanism of stimulation.

1. Reflex and mechanical stimulation is produced by superficial many-needle acupuncture of the certain zones and the biologically active points (reflex reaction) and by micromassage of the skin and underlying tissues.

2. Galvanic and electric stimulation.
The sketch of the electric ionic currents arising on the tips of the needles and between the needles made of different metals, which is accompanied with electrophoresis (diffusion) of the metal into internal medium of the body.

Galvanization improves metabolism, intensifies recovery processes, produces resolving effect, promotes production of the biologically active matters (acetylcholine, histamine, heparin, etc.), makes the nerve impulses conduction better, decreases pain sensitivity.

3. Humoral effect is produced by microiontophoresis of metals, which the needles are made of (copper, zinc, nickel, iron and silver), into the liquid medium of the body. All these microelements are necessary to secure normal functioning of different organs and system.

How to apply Lyapko applicators?

Flat static applicators and the applicators rollers are used to stimulate main, additional and subsidiary zones. The rollers are also applied to the zones located along the spine (zones of the sympathetic points location) to carry out the reflex diagnosis. Using the applicator plate as well as the roller it is possible to reduce pain, to restore working capacity, to get rid of stress and to make state of the nervous system normal, to achieve therapeutic effect for various morbid conditions in a short period of time.

 In 90% of cases it is necessary to stimulate the zone which causes troubles (the zones of pain), and to increase the efficiency of treatment the additional and subsidiary zones should be stimulated. The main zone (the zone of the spine) must always be included into general prescription. The additional and subsidiary zones are used when there are certain reasons which do not allow to stimulate the main zone. The additional and subsidiary zones may be located on the parts opposite to the location of the main zone. In order to increase therapeutic effect it is advisable to include into the formula of stimulation the symmetric zones located on the unaffected side.
To achieve good therapeutic effect it is necessary:
 1. To choose zones, rates and ways of stimulation correctly.
 2. To lay the applicators correctly.

 Even distribution of the body weight over the whole surface of the applicator is the main condition of the correct laying. Never lay the applicator on absolutely flat surface. To lay the applicators correctly it is necessary to model as precisely as possible the curves of the spine in its neck and loin areas using cushions or rolled up towels.

 For the first five minutes of "association" with the applicator there is a sensation of discomfort and pricking gradually turning into a sensation of powerful warmth and pleasant "vibration", later there may be a feeling of drowsiness and general relaxation turning into healthy sound sleep.

 If a patient experiences discomfort for 10-15 minutes, it is necessary to take the applicators away and apply them again only in 5-10 hours or the next day, covering smaller area. The discomfort may be caused by the incorrect laying of the applicators, which means that the needles are loaded unevenly or by slipping of the applicators accompanied by scratching of the skin. To eliminate the problem a patient should rise, put a soft roller under his knees and lie on the applicator again.

Duration of the stimulation.

 Duration of the stimulation depends on the symptoms you have and the problem you want to solve. For intensive pain, increased blood pressure, irritability, agitation, insomnia it is recommended to use the applicators in the second half of the day or before going to bed. The duration of the stimulation is 15-30 minutes (for the applicator roller - 10-15 minutes).

 For hypotension, somnolence, weakness, decreased sensitivity and also with weakened patients and elderly people it is more effective to do the stimulation in the morning and in the first half of the day. The duration of the stimulation for the applicator plate is 7-10 minutes, and for the applicator-roller is 5-7 minutes, in certain cases considerable positive effect is achieved by means of long stimulation from 30 minutes to 1-2 hours. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. The treatment can be repeated in 2-4 weeks.

There is positive practical experience of long, for a few months running, everyday use of the applicators. As a result, there was steady improvement of general health, removal of chronic pain, increase of vitality and working capacity.

Millions of people successfully use the applicator and are delighted with its unique properties.
You will, no doubt, ran out of any, even the best medicine, but Lyapko applicator will stay with you forever.