The device applicator Lyapko cylindrical "Roller Big M» 5,0 Ag (with rubber bushings)

UALTS "high roller" has a needle pitch - 5.0, 
the size - 111hd61 mm, number of needles - 570.
 * Hereinafter - "applicator Lyapko" - approx. Ed.
 * Due to the optimal size of the working surface and the distance between the needles,
 roller used in all age groups without limitation.

Rollers Lyapko - it intraoral devices for dynamic effects ( "one million needle shower").
 Used in all areas of the body: the back, waist,
 buttocks area, thorax, abdomen, extremities. 
The therapeutic effect is several times faster than with a static device.

Galvanic current produced in the skin on the island
 and between the needles is pulsed. In the treatment of back and other hard
 to reach areas of the body requires the participation of the assistant roller.

Roller for treatment of reflex and accurate diagnosis.

The diagnostic method is based on the fact that in the presence of a pathological process, 
areas of the skin, is a projection of the internal organs, 
the area of ​​the projection points of "empathy" (along the spine) 
and points "heralds" (on the front surface of the body), 
react differently to the impact of needle roller:
• Standard: skin pink and warm.
• 1st degree of damage (partial compression, the process is relatively "fresh"):
 a reaction to excessive irritation, skin is red, the temperature is increased.

• 2nd degree injury (deeper,): reaction to the irritation is reduced,
 the skin is slightly pink color, the temperature is almost not changed, just improved.
• 3yaya degree of damage (deep injury, chronic process of 3 months or more):
 reaction to stimulation is absent, the temperature is reduced,
 the skin is dry, thinned or scar changed, has a pale color.

With the rollers can be carried reflex diagnostics as manifested diseases and hidden.

Under the influence of the applicator normal tissue remains normal,
 and modified organs and areas of the skin regenerative processes 
are displayed on the areas of skin in the form of normalization 
of the colors and other characteristics.
 The amount of micro-needles is defined between the skin conductivity,
 depending on the concentration of the electrolyte composition of sweat and interstitial fluid.
 Various state of energy in the meridians can also appear on the skin as pale areas and areas of redness.

Symptoms of "excess" (acute process: in case of injuries, acute inflammation, colds, etc.):
• fever;
• redness of the skin;
• swelling;
• sharp local pain;
• intense, sharp pain.

In these cases - the impact of the applicator roller for 7-10 min helps get 
rid of excess energy and causes the body to normal.

Symptoms "shortage" (chronic diseases: chronic degenerative processes, the effects of trauma, radiculitis, etc...):
• aching, pain spilled;
• reduce the temperature;
• pale skin;
• a deep numbness ( "goose");
• a decrease in sensitivity, lack of reactions.

The impact of the applicator in syndromes "shortage" is aimed at saturation
 of the missing energy. To affect this roller for 10-15 minutes.

Consequently, one and the same applicator operates universally:
 energy in skin areas with increased reactivity matching irritated bodies in 
a state of "excess" he "cleans" leads to normal with the release
 of powerful pleasant warmth and weakened, 
degenerative modified zone lack of energy "wakes up", 
energy boosting, thereby leading to the norm (restoring lost function).
Intraoral devices Lyapko in use in contact with the skin without damaging it, and have no contact with blood. In hospitals after the session applications they need to be disinfected in accordance with the Standards of the disinfection of medical devices, by their total immersion in a disinfectant solution.

For disinfection use disinfectant nehlorsoderzhaschie product 
of medical rubber and metal nekorrozinostoykih permitted for use
 in medical institutions of Ukraine according to the methodological instructions for their use.

When individually using the applicator need not Lyapko disinfection.
 Hygienic care for them includes:
 processing detergent solution (shampoo, liquid soap),
 wash with running water and drying a stream of hot air (with a hair dryer).
 With proper care, the service life of the applicator is 5 - 7 years.

Indications for use:

Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system:
a) overvoltage neuromuscular system;
b) myositis;
c) myalgia;
d) chronic tenosynovitis;
d) damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the spine and limb joints;
e) scoliosis;
g) injuries, bone fractures;
h) the postoperative condition.

Nervous system disorders:
a) recovery from traumatic brain injury and stroke;
b) neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis;
c) lumbago;
g) neuritis;
d) neuralgia;
e) myasthenia gravis;
g) flaccid paralysis and spastic;
h) hysteria, neurasthenia, insomnia;
and) sexual neuroses;
k) nocturnal enuresis;
l), migraine;
m) Raynaud's disease;
n) cerebral palsy.

Heart disease and blood vessels:
a) high blood pressure;
b) hypotension;
c) coronary artery disease (angina, cardio);
g) varicose veins;
d) hemorrhoids.

Respiratory diseases:
a) runny nose;
b) angina;
c) laryngitis;
d) bronchitis;
d) pneumonia;
e) bronchial asthma (including allergic origin).

Diseases of the digestive system:
a) gastritis;
b) hypotonia of the stomach;
c) gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
d) intestine dyskinesia;
d) colitis (constipation);
e) hepatic colic;
g) dyskinesia of the gallbladder;
h) pancreatitis.

a) early toxicosis;
b) hypo- and gipergalaktiya;
c) continuation of the pregnancy;
g) anesthesia and the regulation of labor;
d) recovery in the postpartum period and after cesarean section.

Women's disease:
a) violation of ovarian-menstrual cycle (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea);
b) adnexitises;
c) menopausal syndrome;
g) sterility.

a) glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis;
b) renal colic;
c) cystitis;
g) tsistalgii;
d) prostatitis;
e) prostate adenoma.

Skin diseases:
a) neurodermatitis;
b) urticaria;
c) itching;
g) eczema.

a) periodontal disease;
b) stomatitis;
c) pain relief during dental procedures;
g) toothache.

Endocrine diseases:
a) hypo- and hyperthyroidism;
b) diabetes;
c) alimentary obesity.

Intraoral devices Lyapko in use in contact with the skin without damaging it,
 and have no contact with blood.
 In hospitals after the session applications they need to be disinfected in accordance with the Standards of the disinfection of medical devices,
 by their total immersion in a disinfectant solution.

For disinfection use disinfectant nehlorsoderzhaschie product of medical rubber 
and metal nekorrozinostoykih permitted for use in medical institutions
 of Ukraine according to the methodological instructions for their use.

When individually using the applicator need not Lyapko disinfection. Hygienic care for them includes: processing detergent solution (shampoo, liquid soap), wash with running water and drying a stream of hot air (with a hair dryer). With proper care, the service life of the applicator is 5-7 years.

The use of applicators - the best method,
 requiring no additional effort from the patient and help from others,
 eliminate pain safely and effectively relieve fatigue and morning charged with vital energy for the whole day.

The items will be shipped on second - third day after payment by registered priority airmail.

Delivery typically takes 10 to 14 days (about a week for Europe).

If you want to use other methods of shipment email to me.

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 We guarantee you complete satisfaction with all my products.

If you receive an item you did not order or if an item you ordered is received damaged or defective.
 We will refund you the price you paid for it or replace it with identical one.  We accept returns in U.S.A.
Item for returning must have the original tags and packing, otherwise it won't be accepted.


Thanks and good luck!

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