Premium Food For Shrimps and Snails, Tropical Fish

Granules - granules with spirulina algae and astaxanthin for freshwater shrimps and sea shellfish
Forage mixture in the form of granules with astaxanthin and Spirulina for freshwater shrimps and shellfish. Gran Shrimps Mix is daily , multi component forage in the form of slow falling granules with the content of astaxanthin and sea algea Spirulina Platensis for daily feeding freshwater shrimps and sea shellfish. Astaxanthin increases the intesity of colours of natural invertebrates , whereas Spirulina is a great source of proteins , vitamins from B,E,A group .Granulate Shrimps Mix supports the immune system contributing to the organism defense against, viruses and bacteria.
The content of nutrient elements of 1 kg of dry mass : Crude protein - 43%, fat - 8%, fiber - 2,4%, calcium - 1,1%, phosphorus- 0,7%, vitamins - E- 130mg, C-100 mg, A-10000 IE, D3-1300IE
Ingredients: Fish flour, cereal flour, soy, yeast, protein concentrate, vegetable fat, vitamins, Spirulina, astaxanthin, microelements,

Red Sticks (with astaxanthin)

Premium Shrimps is a daily, multi-component fodder in the form of floating sticks for regular feeding of marine shellfish and freshwater shrimps.Optimally balanced formula of vitamins completely covers the daily requirement of the necessary components needed in the breeding of invertebrates. Included astaxanthin well affect the intensification of colours of breeding shellfish.

The nutrient of content elements:  Crude protein - 35%, 
Crude fat - 15% 
Calcium 1.3%, 
Phosphorus 1.0%

Vitamin: E-200 mg/kg, C-150 mg/kg, A-1000IE/kg, D3-1421 IE/kg

Mixed Sticks (with spirulina, astaxanthin)
Premium floating mix red, green sticks with Spirulina algae, astaxanthin for Tropical Fish (cichlid, Barbus meridionalis, bristlenose plecostomus) Malawi mbuna, Tanganyika, shrimps, crustaceans 
The nutrient of content elements: crude protein - 43%, crude fat 8% 
Vtamin: E-130 mg/kg, C-100 mg/kg, A-1000IE/kg, D3-1300 IE/kg