Six-inch Plastic scraper Slideblade that fits the 6 Inch Scraper / Holder. Use for PRE - CLEANING of surfaces removing unwanted debris. Using helps eliminate over use of expensive costly metal blades. Won't rust or pit, Use where a metal blade isn't appropriate. Longer lasting supplemental accessory for window washers . Remove decals faster. Resistant to solvents. Use on a variety of surfaces glass,granite , wood plastic, laminated surfaces, and counter tops . Use on boats, cars buildings, home. DIY projects. 6 to a Pack. Plastic Handle sold separately. 

Six Inch Plastic Chiseled Edged Slideblades, Scratch Resistant,

Pre-Clean Surfaces, Saving Use of Expensive Metal Blades , 

Wont Rust Or Pit, Minimizes Potential Injury To User

Fits 6-Inch Scraper Blade Holders (Not included)