This is a Brand new  Bosch Type Electronic Distributor

The Single-Vacuum Dual-Advance d


is a ideal replacement for your performance engine If you want to maintain  drive ability

Unlike the 009 performance Distributor that is best for idle and full throttle 
the SVDA gets rid of the flat spot on acceleration and can give gains of 4 mpg 
The added advance when cruising can also reduce oil temp by around 10 degrees 

Suitable all VW  air cooled engines 12 volt negative earth

The  AccuSpark™ 
Distributor comes ready fitted with the AccuSpark electronic ignition module . 

This is a quality item and we have fitted dozens of units in our own workshop
This gives excellent all round performance with notable gains 
The Hall effect trigger and module give 
better spark voltage improving starting , tick over , and MPG .