Vtanat Genacol Dietary Supplement 90 Capsules



Useful dietary supplement to reduce pain caused by arthritis and rheumatism, to regenerate cartilage and ligaments, increase muscle tone.

It contains no agents conservamti, it excipients.


Collagen hydrolyzate, 100% pure; gelatin.

How to use

Take 3 capsules of 400 mg per day. For best results take the capsule astomaco empty before bedtime, approximately 2 hours after eating dinner.

Alternatively, take the capsules on an empty stomach 30 minutes before dellacolazione.

After a few weeks of treatment and in order to optimize the results, you can double the dose of 6 capsules per day, ie, 3 to momentodi bedtime and 3 before breakfast.

In order to maintain the beneficial effects of Genacol® collagen capsules, siconsiglia to take Genacol® on an ongoing basis.


Keep out of reach of children under three years of age.

The supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied diet.

Do not exceed the recommended dose.

Pregnant or nursing seek advice from your doctor before taking ilprodotto.


Bottle of 90 capsules.
Via M. Schipa, 23 - 35
80122 Napoli - Italia
Partita IVA: IT 07846820632