'D' Fife,  Spalted Cherry

  The Spalted Cherry D Fife is the same design as other D fifes I have been making. Cherry is known for its quiet and smooth sound in recorders. Spalting (from the Old Norse word meaning 'dry') forms the wild colorful patterns which occur as the tree dries standing. One must find the wood at just the right time, or cut a piece and monitor its progress.  The dried wood is lighter, and absorbs the hard finish more deeply.

    The Spalted Cherry D fife is more quiet than the native cherry, much like the Apple Wood. The Spalted Cherry has more midrange and less bass than the native cherry, an evenness of tone and volume between upper and lower registers, moreso than other woods.  This is an advantage, especially in a fife which plays more quietly.  

  The Spalted Cherry D Fife has the contoured mouthpiece I carve to make it easier to play for beginners and more expressive for players. Fifes are held sideways  to the right and blown across the mouthpiece. Simple fingering gets the diatonic scale (do --re --me --) in the key of D major (D on the piano).  Cross fingering gets the notes in between. This  fife comes with directions on how to play.  

   The first 6 photos are of each fife. If you have a preference please tell me so I can put that fife aside and remove it's photo.

   I ship promptly with tracking.  Please email me with any questions you may have.


Happy Playing!