This ring is very old! My mother got it on one of her trips overseas, my parents are now 90 years old and living on SS, so they asked me to sell some things for them. This is tall and beautiful. It looks like a rope woven around in circles and on top of like a cage. There are 8 rubies of different shapes half of them are teardrops, and half round. This has a white opal on top, I believe this is called a white fire opal. It's quite large. The ring has a couple marks on the bottom of the ring. I wear more like a 7 so I think this ring is like a 7 but measured 6.25-6.5 With the stick. It sits tall on your finger, you may want to put the balls on the ring so it didn't slide around your finger. I do have a piece to put in the ring to prevent that, if you would like that let me know. I'm not sure what country this is from. But she got it over 40 years ago.

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