We are a small bee farm in South Bulgaria. Our beehives are located in a forest region, where honey bees collect natural and pure honey, pollen and propolis. 

We produce 100% natural bee products free from antibiotics, pesticides and any artificial ingredients.

 Bees collect propolis from resin buds, fruit surface and other parts of the plants - juniper, poplar, willow, oak and conifers.The color may vary - from green to dark brown. It depends from the region and season.

The propolis is scraped off from bee frames and bee hives.

It's manually collected and cleaned.

It may content small quantities of beeswax and bee parts.

If you have additional questions, please contact us.

Biological action of the Propolis

* Antimicrobial - the antimicrobial properties of propolis are maintained for 3-4 years.  Long-term use of propolis, does not lead to resistant strains of the microorganisms. Propolis retains its antimicrobial activity in heating;
*Antifungal - propolis helps in certain skin  diseases, scalp, gynecological diseases;
*AntiviralPropolis, in combination with royal jelly and pollen,is a very effective choice against the influenza virus;
* Anti cancer - propolis inhibits the development of tumor tissue;
* Stimulating -Propolis helps in trophic and regeneration of tissues in the wound healing andepithelialization of the ulcer;
* Anti-inflammatory -Propolis strengthens capillary walls, improves microcirculation and reduces the risk of blood clots;
* Local-anesthetic; 
 * Immunological - Propolis stimulates the immune system.


Method of application:

The most popular home made recipe is to prepare a 30% propolis tincture. You'll  need 30 gr propolis and 100 ml alcohol 70 degree or higher.

1. Put the propolis in the fridge for several hours.
2. Cut the propolis into small pieces and dissolve in the alcohol.
3. Shake for 3 -4 days.
4. Strain the solution and the tincture is ready to use.
5. Dosage: take 20 - 30 drops per day


We accept PAYPAL and the delivery is by economic air mail without tracking number. It may takes up to 4-6 weeks for country outside Europe.

We are offering additional shipping service - EXPEDITED INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING WITH TRACKING NUMBER. You can choose  from the shipping options.