Xanthan Gum Finest Quality


Produced in the UK

Xanthan Gum is a hycrocolloid obtained by corn fermentation and subsequently purified. Xanthan is also a very versatile product similar used to replace Guar in some applications. It is used in food such as Bakery, Beverages, Confectionery, Dairy, Meats, Petfood, Sauces, Syrups, Toppings and Fillings. Industrial uses: Printing, Textile, Paper, Tobacco and Oil (Fracking) industries. Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical: Lotions, creams, tablets, etc.

Xanthan gum commonly used in:

■ Cosmetics
■ Baked goods and pastry fillings
■ Ice cream and sherbet
■ Industrial uses
■ Jams, jellies and sauces
■ Lotions
■ Medicines
■ Pudding
■ Salad dressings
■ Toothpastes
■ Yogurt

Xanthan Gum - Food Grade Fine Powder

Our Xanthan Gum is formed by corn fermentation and then purified to produce a pure fine powder. Its food grade and suitable for making cakes, sauces and as a thickening agent. 

What is Xanthan Gum?
Xanthan Gum is a type of sugar (a Polysaccharide) produced by the fermentation of corn using a growing medium to yield the gum which is then purified, dried and ground to a fine powder. It has some unusual properties which make is ideal for some food applications. When the powder is added to liquid to form a gum solution it displays pseudoplasticity (shear thinning) properites; this means the viscosity of the solution is reduced when shear forces are applied (i.e. stirring, mixing or shaking), the viscosity increases again once the shear forces are removed. For example, Xanthan Gum is used in salad dressings to increase the viscosity when the bottle is stationary (preventing the herbs, oil and water from mixing) then when the bottle is shook or mixed the viscosity is reduced making it easy to pour on to your salad.

How Can I Use Xanthan Gum?

Food Production - Xanthan Gum can be used for cake making, producing gluten free food, bread making, ice-cream making and a gluten free thickener.

Xanthan gum is used in the Oil Industry where its used in large quantities, usually to thicken drilling mud. These fluids serve to carry the solids cut by the drilling bit back to the surface.

Xanthan gum is used in cosmetics to prepare water gels, usually in conjunction with bentonite clays. It is also used in oil-in-water emulsions to help stabilise the oil droplets against coalescence. It has some skin hydrating properties.